Zealous aspirant puts a spirited fight to stop KTN’s Mohammed Ali from clinching Nyali seat

KTN’s investigative journalist, Mohammed Ali, started campaigning in Nyali in December 2015 when he was seen conducting door to door campaigns in Kadzandani, Kongowea and at the bunge la wazee, to sell out his agenda.
While Ali seemed to have a head start over other aspirants, Said Abdalla Saido has greatly covered ground to counter Ali’s influence.
Both Saido and Ali want to vie for Nyali constituency seat on an ODM ticket; it’s widely perceived whoever clinched the ODM ticket would win the seat given that Nyali is a perceived ODM stronghold.
Saido has managed to reach out to a large number of electorates in Nyali since he is on ground full swing unlike Mohammed Ali who has to juggle between his work at KTN and campaigning (Ali hasn’t quit his job yet.)
The aspiring MP is confident of triumph over Ali in ODM nominations; he has insisted that ODM should conduct a free and fair nomination and not handover direct nomination to a certain candidate.


About this writer:

Baba Ghafla