Youngest TV Siren Talks Her Journey Up The Ladder To Anchoring Prime Time News (Photo+Video)

Make your way up to appearing on TV anchoring prime time news is no mean feat. It requires so much including exertion, dedication and developing a tough skin that can endure the scratching and mauling.

This explains why it takes others centuries to find themselves on the desk facing the teleprompter to read news.

But for Ebru’s Kamene Goro, many would think that at just 23 years, she has really experienced what making it to the top means.

Kamene Goro is arguably the youngest prime time news anchor we have around. At 23, she reads news on Ebru TV at nine and this has got almost everyone wanting to hear her story.

kamene goro

                              Kamene Goro

This is why Ghafla! Kenya sought her for an exclusive interview where she broke every mystery down to explain how she landed her job at the station and the journey she has travelled to be where she currently is.

Kamene spoke in lengthy some of the tough lessons she has learnt as a TV personality, the tough challenges that come with being a public figure and the expectations of the audience.

She does not also flinch from revealing she young and still learning each day. Here is the full interview as it went down:


About this writer:

Edward Chweya