Young Rich Presents: The Uneducated Billionaire! He’s Worth 1 Billion Shillings, Runs 8 Companies But Hasn’t Even Been To Form 1 (VIDEO)

In a few fleeting seconds, I will introduce you to Samuel Muthui. A 26 year old man who having failed KCPE couldn’t gain admission into any secondary school ergo has not sat his KCSE exams. But he refused to let that stop him and he kept plowing on and he finally reached his Nirvana -no Kurt Cobain needed.


Mr. Samuel Muthui grew up in a very underprivileged household  in which the head of the house was an incorrigible drunk. That would be his father. And because he refused to let the cards he was dealt by life dictate his game, he tossed them back and swore to make himself a man of means.

After some struggles that saw his family leave his father’s house and head for his grandmothers place, his performance at school suffered a significant drop.
And that saw him garner a meagre 190 marks out of a possible 500 in KCPE. But the rest of the story is best told in his own words so allow me to let the horse do the telling:




About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)