You Will Be Shocked By The Millions Rabbit Is Demanding For Shows…Here Are His Reasons

Rabbit King Kaka has been quite vocal on what he feels artists should earn, how they should be treated and what the other stakeholders in the industry should do.

He has picked issues with a number of stations, event organizers and even the Kenyan public. That has not even stopped the singer who recently took issue with the amounts local artistes were being paid in comparison to visiting artistes from neighboring countries. Using the example of Wyre and Nameless, he is demanding they get paid 2 million shillings for their shows.

That would mean the ‘second tier’ artists or rather those who are not pioneers like Rabbit himself would be in on 1 million fees. Taking to Facebook he stated his arguments saying it was wrong to demand more quality work yet artistes were being given piece meals they could hardly survive on. You can check the full argument here

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu