You Will Be Fascinated By What Daddy Owen Is Planning For Driver And Conductor Spotted Helping Disabled Persons In Westlands Last Week


Early last week, a matatu driver and his conductor made headlines for all the good reasons when they were spotted helping disabled persons from ABC Place in Westlands by carrying them to their vehicle without charging any extra cost.

The social media in Kenya was awash with news of these two men of substance, and many came out to laud their generosity and humanity.

And as the news keeps trending, many are still fascinated by this kind of humility and among those moved by this is gospel artiste Daddy Owen.

The singer is looking for the contacts of these gentlemen and has said that whoever has them should submit them to him because they deserve rewards.

The founder of Malaika Tribute Awards says that the two need to be rewarded for their generosity and this according to him, will happen come next year.

He is already putting his vote in their favour. He said:


daddyowenThs are our unsung heroes. ..looking for thr contacts ..anyone? … Ths are guys who should be nominated for Malaika Tribute Awards next year. . Thank you guys for caring for people living with disabilities. .


About this writer:

Edward Chweya