You Thought Kanyari Was The Weirdest Preacher In Kenya? What This ‘Servant of God’ Did At Ruiru Will Utterly Shock You

Barely hours after controversial man of the cloth Victor Kanyari made a controversial comeback since the famous expose by Moha and Namu, another man of God has hit the headlines with one of the weirdest acts in Ruiru, Kiambu County.

The two incidences come as a coincidence to remind Kenyans of how the church has been turned into a playground where revered men of the cloth play all sorts of dirty games to meet their desires and needs.

Kanyari is well known within our confines as the unapologetic preacher who steals from congregants with a promise of miracles and other great things. He appeared on Churchill Show on Sunday and admitted that he is not the man to lead to heaven. His is money and power.

Well, his counterpart has made headlines from the other side of the town.


Ruiru town

Pastor Anthony Mutua of Upendo Pentecostal Church in Kahawa Wendani has been arrested after sodomising a 24-year old man in the name of exorcising demons.

Ruiru subcounty AP commander Hesbon Lusweti said the victim went to the pastor’s house in Kitambaya estate in Ruiru for prayers when the pastor turned on him and said he would only exorcise the demons he harboured by sodomising him.

The sick man gave in and the pastor did his thing and sent him away, promising him to wait for between two days and a week for the sickness to disappear.

However, after waiting for a week, the victim did not get well and this prompted him to report the matter to the police who arrested the suspect.

Pastor Mutua is said to admit to have sodomised the victim and he will be presented in court to face charges.

Is this the direction the church is heading? Horrible indeed.

Credits: The Star

About this writer:

Edward Chweya