“You Such A F**k Boy” Lucky Girl Escapes Willy Paul’s Late Night ‘Bible Study’ Aka Night Drill To Expose His Hyenaness (Photos)

Isn’t it enough yet, these sex scandals for an artist claiming to be a gospel singer is really annoying!

Willy Paul has been implicated in too many controversies that you can’t help but wonder whether he’ s okay in the head.

From shagging socialite Pendo at KICC grounds to forcing a girlfriend to abort a baby, these are only but a few scandals that have gripped Willy Paul.

A little known beautiful girl has dragged Will Paul back to public attention, for all the wrong reasons the singer is known for.

Screenshots of Instagram conversation between the girl and the ‘Tam Tam’ singer exposes Willy’s untamed thirst.

Apparently the gospel star was inviting the girl over for a late night bible study, and he was damn persistent.

The girl smelt a rat and decided to steer clear of Willy’s trap. She told him she would consider coming the next day but when he insisted she blasted him.

“Ain’t ready for your plot though… you such a fuck boy” The girl texted Willy.

Noticing his plan was crumbling, Willy turned around the situation saying he was only surprising her and that he was offended that the girl was thinking ill of his intentions.

Efforts to reach the singer for comment were fruitless.

See photos of the said girl below:



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere