‘You Don’t Need A Man To Raise Children’, Caroline Mutoko Tells Women


Celebrated former radio personality Caroline Mutoko has been running a series of clips through her you tube channel, talking about the boy child and how they grow and become respectable men.

The former Kiss 100 queen has talked extensive and specifically to her fellow ladies, advising them on the need to bring up the boy child in the manner accepted by both nature and society.

And now in her very last episode of her short series, Caroline has bashed the idea that a man must be present in a woman’s life to help bring up a boy child in the correct manner.

Caroline quips that there are great men who have garnered international acclaim and yet they were raised single-handedly by women.

The Radio Africa Chief Marketing Officer gives an example of her late sister Regina Mutoko whom she said raised her son through the help of her uncles, brothers and other male friends without necessarily needing a man in her life.

To make her point sound even more relevant, Mutoko went on to narrate how US President Barack Obama was raised single-handedly by his mother and grandmother, and grew up to become one of the most prominent figures in the world.

Mutoko urges women to believe in themselves as they bring up their male children because she strongly believes they are capable of raising very respectable persons.

Is this the reason Caroline decided never to marry? Well, this she knows herself too well. Here is the clip she uploaded in her you tube channel:


About this writer:

Edward Chweya