Wow! City Millionaire Repeats The WHOLE Mombasa Awards With Much Better,Expensive Trophies!! (Photos)
The original Mombasa Awards were marred by unsightly trophies that looked more like something a child carved out of decaying logs than something a deserving artist should take home and place on his cabinet.
They were oddly-shaped,probably made of rotten wood,shoddily painted and weak as hell. And also,a ridiculous attempt to jack off the BET Awards design.
Don’t even get me started on the illiterate guy who scribbled words across the base of the trophy. Overall,it was one huge,terrible joke.
And then some multi-millionaire philanthropist came to the rescue vowing to not just buy better trophies for the Coastal artists but also REPEAT the whole Awards Ceremony afresh… From the top.
Yes,it did cost him millions to buy the gold-splashed awards,hire out the entire venue,book performances,bring together a team of organizers,book an MC,hire a powerful sound system,provide transportation and allowances for the celebs,book hotel rooms for his entourage, etc etc but still,he had to do it. And he did do it.
TERRIBLE: The Mombasa Awards trophy that mimicked the sleek BET Awards trophy.
And now,a week after the initial awards,which were organized by some not-so-smart kids, Joe Kariuki decided to make the Awards as glitzy,glamorous,gorgeous and memorable as Awards should be. Also magnificent.
And it did happen.
Last Friday,Coastal celebrities and businessmen,politicians and fans gathered in large numbers at the swanky Azure Lounge for a second edition of the Mombasa Awards.
It was pure pomp and glamor as the local celebs took to the plush red carpet and later to the podium to be re-awarded with much better and more alluring trophies made of special metals and irons and coated with sprinklings of Gold and diamonds.
The dazzling event lasted the whole night with many electrifying performances by the Coastal artists,beautiful speeches,much laughter and pomp,and with Joe closing out the glitzy night in a style only an endowed rich kid can.
At last,trophies that will last the test of time. And trophies you would definitely want your Mom to see. And hold.
LEFT; The new sleek Awards that Joe Kariuki and his Candy Empire crew presented to the Artists afresh.