Words Of The Wise: Political Analyst And Journalism Teacher Barack Muluka Tears Into Kenyan Journalists, Calls Them Hypocrites

It is without no doubt to say that journalism in Kenya is on its decline after politics and the love for money took the place of objectivity, fairness and accuracy.

I recently did an article lamenting the sorry state of this very noble profession after the mainstream media houses quashed objectivity and embraced politics, money and self satisfaction.

You can re-read the article here

And now celebrated political analyst and journalism tutor Barack Muluka has bashed the journalism fraternity in Kenya for deviating away from the fundamentals of good journalism and embracing what editors have discussed with politicians to be considered for broadcasting.

In an article in the Standard, Muluka uses the example of the saga surrounding the Parliamentary Accounts Committe (PAC) chaired by Budalangi MP Ababu Namwamba.

The political analyst laments that instead of journalists covering parliament telling Kenyans the rot in the August House, they are deviating to less and less important things that wont help Kenyans.

Muluka says: This is a plea to young journalists, and especially parliamentary reporters and writers. You are letting down your profession and your country. The house is on fire. Instead of doing something useful about it, you are running helter-skelter after cockroaches and rats, escaping from the house.

He goes on to say: Please tell Kenyans what is happening to their taxes. Don’t mislead them by following useless diversions and sundry red herrings. Tell Kenyans we have enough wealth to make us all lead comfortable, wholesome and healthy lives. This is if we can face the facts, round up the thieves and send them to eat the bread of sorrow and drink the water of affliction in jail.

Clearly, journalism in Kenya has been terribly jeopardized by a few egoistic individuals who want to satisfy their needs at the expense of important and pertinent issues.

However, it should not be forgotten that there are journalists who deserve commendation for their incredible job despite the forces from within and without that sway them from side to side.

It is time something is really done to salvage the last glory remainin in journalism in Kenya.

Credits: The Standard

About this writer:

Edward Chweya