With The Killing Of Homosexuals In Uganda, Maina Kageni Gives His Opinions On Whether Kenya Should Adopt The Same Laws (VIDEO)

Alot has been said about Maina Kageni being gay. There have been people who have spread the rumours with such conviction and ferocity that you would be forgiven for thinking them gay -how else would you know about what a man does in his private time? Maina kageni was approached by my colleague Jeff Omondi in regards to the same question and he responded. I honestly hoped he had put an end to the rumours but they somehow still persist.


Talk about the sword of Damocles! But away from all that. My colleague Vincent Omondi recently caught up with Maina Kageni and after he introduced himself, Maina was kind enough to grant him a small audience. And so Vince managed to record this video. Which video? If you would hush up for a moment, I’d explain. Thank you nibling.

Vince gave Maina Kageni a video interview in which he asked him what he thinks/ felt about the brutality being meted out on homosexual males and lesbians in Uganda and Nigeria. Check out Maina articulate his opinion below:




About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)