Willy Paul’s KCSE Results

As i write this, my mind races back to my days in high school. What most do not know is that I am actually a product of a public Kenyan system school while my brother Kohe is the product of Hillcrest. So much butthurt in that statement! But away from that, I can remember waiting with bated breath for my results in February of 2006.

And indeed, I decided to share the anxiety with Willy Paul who I think made the right choice to sit for his papers last year. Actually, I want to remind every form four leaver not to party too hearty this Valentines because the results will be out shortly.

Willy Paul who sat his papers yesteryear with alot of controversy surrounding that will be relieved I dare say because I think he studied enough. Anyway, we await with bated breathe the realese of his KCSE results.


Willy Paul Mocked By His Fans For Sitting for KCSE


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)