Willy Paul Shamelessly Lied About His Wedding Details! Evidence!
To think that I almost started having respect for Willy Paul. For Shame!
Yesterday, Willy Paul almost stopped town with sensational, well executed Bullcrap that he was getting married to his longtime girlfriend. I was appalled to say the least, he is so young and scandalous- would his marriage survive the onslaught of his perpertual tomfoolery? I thought not.
Today, in an equally sensational social media post, Willy Paul revealed the face of the woman he would walking down the aisle. I wrote the article, applauding his chivalry and gallant demeanor, little did I know that I had fallen hard for his petty little machinations .
Willy Paul, without the least iota of remorse lied to the world yesterday about the engagement ring that he purported to have bought for his girl. That ring ladies and gentlemen of gentle comportment is a fake, as fake as unicorns.
Willy Paul downloaded the photo from the internet yesterday and passed it off as his own. How I’m I so sure? The engagement ring belongs to Amber Rose! So does the hand. A quick google search should tell you that.
Willy Paul, seriously..
This is the photo he posted yesterday:
But you are not surprised. Are you?
This is Amber Rose’s Engagement ring.
So, treat his lie with the contempt it deserves. If you were thinking of attending his wedding, I suggest you look for better avenues to waste your time.
Props|Tabbytha Mwendwa.