Why Obama Will Definitely Want To Meet This Maasai Boy When He Jets In On Friday
POTUS (as he is now known after joining Twitter months before visiting Kenya) is causing riffles amongst Kenyans ahead of his maiden visit to the country as the first ever sitting US President to touch down in Kenya.
Kenyans are extremely excited about the Obama visit despite the disruption he will cause in their daily endeavours.
Everybody is gearing up for Friday when Air Force One, the most sophisticated plane on earth, touches down at the JKIA.
And among the measures taken to assure Obama that he is highly regarded in Kenya include this very catchy song from a Maasai singer who has taken it upon himself to welcome the leader of the free world.
Mich Maasai, as the singer calls himself, has taken it upon himself to tell Obama the good things he will meet in Kenya. The beautiful wildlife and vegetation, good food, peace among several other things.
Mich Maasai
This is the same song that got even Senator Mike Sonko sharing it to his fans on Facebook.
I believe when Obama touches down he will definitely want to meet this boy and have him perform the song live for him.
Here is the song: