Why Kidum Ran To Kenya After The Burundi War

As you may or may not know, Kidum is actually a refugee from Burundi. He came to Kenya in 1995 to flee the Burundi war, which he says went on till 2005, contrary to many media reports. When George Kariuki interviewed him, he was keen on finding out what drew Kidum to Kenya as a destination of choice. George asked, “What do you like so much about Kenyans?” To which Kidum replied:

“You know, you are coming from where AK47s are always shooting. And bombs! You come here in Kenya you find people… their life history… wanaji-enjoy! Peaceful. So many tribes. And there is no problem. Us guys, there were just Hutu and Tutsi, who couldn’t stay together.  Ilikuwa shida. Wengine wameingiliwa na chuki. Huku polisi ni rafiki ya mwananchi. Very nice! That is a paradise!”


Who knew that this man had faced such hardship. Any comments? Make sure to leave them in the comment section below:

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)