Who Are These People? CORD Supporters? Honest Protesters? Thugs? Hardened Criminals? Petty Thieves? Gang Members? Who Exactly Are These People?

The whole world has been outraged by the sheer level of violence meted out on ” CORD supporters ” yesterday. Things were running all smooth and cool until Raila Odinga was about to speak,and then all hell,as expected, broke loose.

With the potency of atomic bombs,the enraged Anti-riot police descended on the masses unleashing some of the most dastardly beatings on them,not seen since the dark days of the autocratic KANU regime.

Things quickly took a bloody turn as the Raila fanatics were ruthlessly clobbered,kicked,shot at (with LIVE bullets),chased down street alleys and into stalls,smoked out,clobbered again,doused in tear gas and had their foreheads busted,bleeding and hazy,in the most atrocious orgy of violence ever.

The streets quickly turned into a bloody mess with bullets being fired haphazardly,some of them bouncing off the CORD leader’s windscreen and some of them diving into the heads of Raila’s supporters. And in no time,it was full war mode. The streets quickly becoming a bloody war zone reminiscent of Syria and Ukraine.

The world reacted first. First,through social media and then mainstream media. Western media quickly took up the story and run with it with the Daily Mail,UK’s leading media publisher announcing in one of their articles, The terrifying moment free speech is crushed by brutal Kenyan riot police: Demonstrators calling for election reform are rounded up and subjected to horrific violence .

The Telegraph had this headline,Mayhem in Kenya as police tackle protest over ‘corrupt’ poll officials

And also this one from Germany’s Deutsche Welle,Kenya police fire tear gas on protesters urging electoral reform

The message had reached the World ; Kenya police are vile,savage,vicious, brutal and barbaric. Which,by the way,is 100% true. No doubt about that.

But what no one bothered follow up about is,Exactly who are these people being bloodily clobbered and shot and and arrested by the Kenya Police? Are they sincere protesters? Everyday protesters? Hardly.

Prior to the international outrage that followed the Nairobi streets mess,photos had been shared on Social media of some of these ” CORD supporters ” robbing innocent passersby in broad daylight. Others photos and videos showed these same people (98% of whom are men) harassing motorists,hitting their cars with stone etc etc.

And yet,even more photos showed that some of the men being beaten up by the police were carrying stones and even hiding stones in their trouser pockets. Obviously,stones which they had intended to use to cause havoc,hurt and maim people with.

Raila Odinga may have a noble motive but does his gang share the ideals? Why does he,and his co-principals,allow hooligans and bastards at his gatherings? What do these people come to the riots to do? Sincerely oust Isaac Hassan from the office or to rob and pickpocket and steal and rape?

And if that’s not the case,then why do they do it?



Some of the dramatic images from yesterday’s riots.

Most of these so-called Odinga supporters are,really,a bunch of illiterate criminals,scoundrels and petty thugs.

A very big percentage of these ” supporters ” are actually Ghetto criminals who are indeed professional thugs who have,not one or twice in the past,robbed many a passerby,making away with their phones and wallets and shoes and jewelry.

Most of these ” protesters ” are filthy law-breakers,dudes who should be serving a jail term,petty thugs and greedy blokes who have no formal education or employment of any kind and who eke out a living by terrorizing people in the neighborhoods and slums.

Sadly,Raila Odinga,the Chief of the Poor,doesn’t seem to care or worry that the crowds that flock his petty riots are actually hardened criminals and experienced gang members who have mastered the art of violence and use of force to brutishly get things they want from unarmed people.

In short,half of the people being beaten to a pulp by the police yesterday are,to be brutally honest,pure criminals.

And no,the levels of violence that the Police employed yesterday is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. And the stupid Police should be rebuked,scolded and admonished in the strongest words possible.

But Raila Odinga and his stone-carrying,violent gang should also be reminded that a protest is not an open invitation for violent robbery,cheap looting, vandalism and wanton destruction of property.

Raila Odinga and his brainless gang of ” supporters ”,who are not any different from the good-for-nothing Nairobi University rascals,should be reminded that protests of a much greater magnitude have happened in Brazil,in Spain,in China,in Thailand and in Iceland.

And unlike his 200 or 300 or so crowd,in those countries, crowds that could reach a million people poured into the streets. And yet,no stupidity was reported, no thuggery, no pelting of stones,no violence and no malicious destruction of private property.

The barbarian police actions MUST BE REBUKED in the strongest terms possible.

And in the same breath,we must also REBUKE the sort of cheap,drug-fuelled thugs we are allowing in our streets in the name of protests.

Raila Odinga,probably,knows NOTHING about holding a successful protest.

And it’s a shame.

Some Of The Viral Photos From Yesterday’s Mayhem



About this writer:

Cabu Gah