White Men (Wazungu) Viciously Attack Njoki Chege For ‘Racially’ Discriminating Them

Call her City Girl, call her controversial writer, call her whatever you wanna call her. One thing remains; her mother knows her as Njoki Chege. We all know her by this name.

Njoki Chege is a dreaded name as we speak. I mean, this lady has hit almost everyone when they least expect. When you thought you are safe, something for you is cooking someone in Nation Centre, a skyscraper intimidating other structures along Kimathi Street and Moi Avenue.

The Daily Nation columnist has courted controversy from the day she landed the job at one of the leading media houses in the country, airing her views openly at the expense of other people’s piece.

And over the weekend, as usual, Njoki unleashed yet another barrage of attack on white men and the Kenyan ladies they date.

Njoki warned Kenyan black ladies against dating white men (wazungus), giving a raft of reasons why should steer clear of the thought-to-be-rich Caucasian men.

Among the reasons she gave included those that a white always wants to date a black African girl because they want adventure and exploration with their sexual desires and not out of love and marriage.

She also warned that not all white men have money as most Kenyan girls believe. Some are very poor back in their countries and strive to save to come to Africa for adventure.

These and many others caused a major  standoff on social media, with many of those aggrieved by the attack responding angrily to Njoki’s article.

Majority of those who did this are wazungus and Kenyan ladies either married to wazungus or are dating wazungus.

Here are some of the responses she got:

Check the reactions on the next page.



Not all white men are the same. A lot of us white men are descent. I have been married to a Kenyan lady for a year. We are happy together. 
Yes there are bad whites just like bad Kenyan women that will use an american just to get a green card. 


Susan Wangari 

it all depends with the understanding of both parties personally i think we should not judge any mans character based on race but then again i have seen some black girls literally ignoring a black guy at the point of insulting him coz she saw a mzungu….i would say if they fall in love go for it if u were meant to be hurt it will happen anyway whether the guy is black or white… but thats just me


 martijn van Dongen 

Let me guess……..the poster of this topic failed to “get” a white man ? So now she is taking her own bitterness out on whoever might wanna read the product of a hateful mind. As it is clearly a result of her own judgement since no actual facts are being mentioned. I would even consider the writer as a true racist. If she does hates whites the way it seems to be then why doesnt she start to educate her black brothers on how to treat their sisters. As that is the main reason why african girls are interested in white men………and i am proud to say that we whites do indeed know how to show respect to a woman , either black or white. Whites are broke ? Seriously ? I mean ….. you are not trying to make a fool of yourself ? So just for my information , if the average white man is broke , how can he afford a ticket ……… a hotel ……..maybe even a resort and still be able to spend his mpesa on the girl he meets ? Ok next one …….we dont marry black girls ??? again ….seriously ? Dare me ……..the day i set foot on kenyan soil, the first thing i love doing is marrying the girl i have been loving for quite some time ………….. hey i be even willing to give up my easy and comfortable western life and live with my wife in Kenya. So again ………..sorry ……..you are wrong again dear poster. We dont look for love in a black woman…………true as color doesnt define love as love comes in different colors, to me……….. a black woman is more able to give love then any other woman……….thats not even a sexual thing but a thing of the heart, as simple as that……but well maybe the only mzungu the writer has been dating has turned her down so now she is taking it out on every mzungu………funny kinda girl if u ask me. Then the most ridiculous 4th point…………slave drivers ? Like every white man has slave drivers as great grand parents ? Time to go back to school………. when my great grandfather was born…..slavery was already declared illegal……..maybe not in all countries but in mine certainly. Here is was made illegal in 1863……….the transatlantic slave trade was already illegal in 1814………..my great granddad was born in 1873……….so next time you wanna share your filth , pls make sure you are educated instead of making a total fool of yourself



this article is hateful and downright discriminatory..there’s no need to put down all white men just because of one..personally, I feel that this writer is disrespectful and should apologize..

Shaniez wendy  

Well said martijn this writer is a frustrated woman or man either way. She dares write this article with no proof and mind this writer should know that Kenyan kisumu lady is not the one in that sexual act video and she is paid to be in that video and so she did it freely cos it’s deep throat sex and so what Di you expect and before writer you rant like a fool why don’t you investigate the story first and go to that site that this girl was in and you will see they are interviewed before they perform that sexual thing. All countries have good and bad people and it depends on preference on whom you like either white or black or asian Or Latino. Depends on whom you like and so quit with misleading people and get a life. What insolence with no facts. Jeeeezzzz……




About this writer:

Edward Chweya