While You Are Struggling With Your Car Loan This City’s Businessman And Politician Has A 350k Dog With A Maintenance Budget Of About 50K A Month

Every new day,society’s affluent always find a new way of using their monies and reminding the rest of the average mortals that they are on a different lane and plane.

With every Tom, Dick and Harry in town able to secure quiet a good car through a loan and clever wheel-dealing, the fad now is owning a designer pet dog. This is not just your usual street dogs you can get for a cheap bargain, not at all, designer dogs come with fancy names like cockapoo, Labradoodle, and Maltipoo which have feminine characteristics to match their names.

On the other hand you can go for real manly dog breeds like Dobermans or like Gor Semelang’o you can get an Ovtcharka. A single puppy goes for $2000 approximately 100,000 KES if you import online.

Local purchases and buying a bigger one will cost you in the upwards of 350,000 KES. Speaking to the Nairobian, Gor revealed that his 8 months old Ovtcharka mostly popular in Eastern Europe is his favorite among his three designer dogs. The businessman who says he uses choppers as he would use matatus sure has a taste for the masculine dogs.

He says he spends 35,000 a month of veterinary fees, feeding and grooming the dog and that is without counting the amount spent on paying the caretaker who looks after the three.

The Ovtcharka is a strong-boned Russian Military dog with an average life span of 13 to 15 years and its distinct features means it will soon be a hit in this part of the world.ovtcharka2.JPG  ovtcharka.jpg

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu