When You Try To Kill Yourself Makes Sure You DIE! Man Who Attempted Suicide By Jumping Off A 6-storey Building Writhes In Pain After Touching Down Hard As Onlookers Take Photos (Video)
It seems God didn’t want to take him just yet! How did he survive the fall from a 6-storey building????
Last Saturday, a frustrated Kalule Mustafa jumped from the rooftop of Mabirizi Complex in Kampala, Uganda and miraculously survived the fall.
Videos uploaded online showed Kalule standing on the roof of the 6-storey building before he threw himself off and fell down with a loud bang.
The car that Kalule Mustafa fell on when he jumped off the 6-storey building
Apparently Kalule survived because he hit a car parked on the street before his body was tossed off to the tarmac. Were he to hit the tarmac first, then it would have been a different story altogether.
Anyway the suicidal man was still hurt badly. He lay in a pool of blood on the tarmac writhing in pain as onlookers took photos and videos before an ambulance arrived and rushed him to Mulago National Referral Hospital.
Meanwhile as Kalule is recuperating at the hospital, Ugandan authorities wait to book him for attempting suicide.
Kalule Mustafa receiving treatment at Mulago hospital
Credit: Big Eye