When Fashion Meets Film: A Haunted Tale Of A Trapped Soul Seeking Freedom!
Ever watched a horror flick, where you are afraid that something will go horribly wrong but for some reasong you can’t move a muscle!
That’s the feeling I got as I watched this video. The background music breathed life to my fears, with every note I kept waiting for a ghost to pop out of somewhere, drown Namunyak and vanish into thin air! Well the video’s description does a better job that I could. Read it below.
Set in a site haunted by bad luck where those trying to settle often end up losing all hope, a lonely traveler is sucked into the shell of a failed dream only to find out that the building acts like a cage trapping souls to be its company though time, towards its inevitable decay. Inside another soul is hidden, waiting to pass the curse to someone else and to be set free.
Director of Photography: Jakub Zahradnicek, Producer: Annabel Onyango, Creative Director: Asa Isacson, Models: Namnyak Charity Odupoy, Ndelela Nancy Pappas, Fashion Designers: NAMNYAK, KATUNGULU MWENDWA, KAPOETA feathered accessories, Styling: Fashion Media Consultant Annabel Onyango, Designer/model Namnyak Charity Odupoy, Music: Saraswa. The description ends with special thanks to Tahir Carl Karmali and Red Elephant Lodge.
Watch the video below!