#WCW: Shaffie Weru’s Yellow Skin Wife (Photos)

After calling it quit with singer Debbie Asila, Kiss FM’s Shaffie Weru hooked up with a sizzling hot lady whom he exchanged vows with in a low tone wedding.

#WCW stands for Woman Crush Wednesday, which is a social media kind of weekly holiday which calls for users to share pictures of ladies that they find attractive or admire.

Our #WCW today is Jada Joan Mwihaki, the beautiful lady that won Shaffie Weru’s heart. She has been married to the Kiss FM presenter for close to five years and together they have a gorgeous daughter.

Shaffie and Jada have managed to maintain a low profile, hardly ever do the lovebirds share their intimate photos on social media like other celebrities couples.

Below are photos of Jada:





About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere