WATCH : After Lingala Ya Yesu,Now There Is Rhumba Ya Yesu And Man,It’s Catching Fire Across All Churches Nationwide. Absolutely Brilliant.
Some two years or so ago,worship singer and pop Gospel artists Pitson dropped the massive Lingala ya Yesu hit song that went on to slay the on radio,conquer the charts,before an instant dance anthem,evangelize greatly and even end up as a pivotal moment of Gospel music in Kenya.
And after being massively mesmerized by the lyricism,composition,stylistic origins and general message of the song,it appears Kenyans will do anything for a deeper,richer and even more meaningful and spiritual Gospel song,not the sort of cheap bubblegum pop numbers we are accustomed to from cheap,bubblegum Gospel teenagers.
And there’s a new song blowing everyone away in town. No,it’s not called ‘Rhumba Ya Yesu’ but ‘Ninaimba’.
‘Ninaimba’ is a contemporary Rhumba master hit recorded by Jesse Bukindu of Ketebul and done by one Jeckonia Otieno,popularly known as Jey,an esteemed writer at the Standard Newspaper and also a renown journalist.
Jey features his fellow singers Jerome Nsanda and Ovi Jacob one of whom (Nsanda) is actually a Congolese and the other (Ovi) a proud Tanzanian from Arusha.
Wonderfully produced by the recording legend Jesse Bukindu,the audio is fantastic with great mastering and well-crafted harmonization that adds the all important sweetness to an already delicious track.
Dr. Eddie,he of the Daddy Owen fame,shot the video and it features wonderful scenes of the trio singing at an altar,playing a wide array of musical instruments,at a white posh lounge area and also showing off their infectious dance moves towards the climactic parts of the song.
Apart from the entertainment value,Ninaimba brings an aesthetic value both to the ears and eyes that would get anybody rocking to the well-arranged beats and amazing choreography.
And the amazing guitar works at the intro will capture you right away.
Talking to this writer,Jey says that Christian music with a purpose is going back to the basics of knowing Christ and offering Him praise.
“If your music just entertains but does not minister then you had better go back to your knees and start afresh because it is about ministry,” says Jey.
He even gave us a little anecdote, ”A few years ago when gospel rapper Lacrea had an event in Nairobi,I was part of the media team covering the event. Thousands of young people attended the event at Belle Vue where Mavuno was based. In the heat of the moment,a young excited fan shouted from the crowd that he (Lacrea) should do Walking on Water. But Lacrea’s answer baffled everyone.
He said, “This is not a radio show, it is a ministry and we do it as the Spirit leads.”
Jey,who also is a worship leader at ACK St Mathews Church Karen Hardy left us with this brilliant quote from legendary English hymn writer and theologian Fredrick W. Faber who said,
”The Music of the Gospel leads us home… ”
Watch the absolutely fantastic song below and be ready to jam hard to it…For many weeks,months and years to come. Instant classic.