Wait, Did Betty Kyalo Finally Get Married (officially) To Dennis Okari??
The apple did not fall far from the tree. Betty Kyalo’s daughter is a miniature version of her Mum. The resemblance is uncanny,like a mother who has been overwhelmed by the joys of motherhood, the sassy KTN news achor never lets a moment pass without catching mischief with her 10 month old daughter.
The KTN presenter is grooming her daughter Ivana to be like her father, Dennis Okari. In the below photo she dressed her daughter in her fathers ensemble…
That ladies and gentlemen is half the story.
Betty and Dennis Okari have not married officially despite having a baby together. But have they been living together as husband and wife all along? Was this photo a deliberate way of telling us (in a veiled manner) That the couple is married? Or where did Betty get these clothes that the daughter is wearing?? From her husbands wardrobe of course!