Video Of The Song Jubilee By Nonini Feat Chris Adwar Goes Viral!

Jubilee a song by two lyrical geniuses  Nonini and Chris Adwar of the Villagers band has gone viral with over 59,000 Views on You Tube!The track has recieved mixed reviews with some people loving it due to the catchy beats and lyrical prowess while the critics allege that they are trying to cash in with the jubilee government like Eric Wainaina did with his song Daima.

Nonini whose real name is Hubert Nakitare is a Kenyan Hip-Hop Record artiste often reffered to as The godfather of genge for producing the first genge song.Nonini’s controversial songs such as Weh Kamu and Keroro set him apart from his peers and the East Africa region and later the world took notice of the then young lad.

He has made hits with Juma Nature,Lady Bee and Founded the very successful P-Unit crew.In 2007 Standard newspaper named him one of Kenya’s most influential people.

Chris Adwar is  multi-talented,he can play the keyboard he is also Singer and Songwriter.He ist he lead singer ofthe Villager’s band who were the Tusker All Stars 2011 official band.

Without further ado, enjoy the video below…

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Sue Watiri