Vera Sidika’s Giant Booty Besmirched On Daily Nation

Big butts have continued to be glorified by society encouraging well endowed socialites to attack men with titillating photos of their mountainous posteriors.

Daily Nation columnists decided to go on a ranting spree last week; while Njoki Chege was smacking political bloggers, Biko Zuru fired his guns at half-witted socialites with big behinds.

Biko started by apologizing for initially glorifying giant butt before he launched an offensive.

“I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty, given that I have written about the female posterior in a way that glorifies it. And as much as it’s my personal preference, I should know better because of my responsibility as a writer with platforms that might shape thoughts, especially those of younger minds.” Wrote Biko in part.

The columnists says big butt isn’t a yardstick of beauty going on to add that liking and sharing pictures of women with big buttocks on Instagram sparked the skewed mentality big bam bam is everything in a woman.

The columnist warned the likes of Vera Sidika and her clique that they would run out of business if they didn’t have anything else to depend on to put food on the table other than their buttocks.

“Your booty won’t be as perky in five years as it is now. Age and gravity will ensure that. So if you have nothing else on the table you are standing on quicksand. And in any case, there is always a bigger and better buttock than yours around the corner. So stimulate a man’s mind rather than his crotch, you will find the longevity of it all rewarding. It will last longer because we are men, we will always find the next big booty if we look, but we will hardly ever find the next sexy mind that stimulates us intellectually.”

Credit: Daily Nation

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere