Unknown Person Posts Facebook Update Using Missing Blogger Bogonko Bosire’s Phone Saying He Was Terminated (PHOTO)

As I write this story, I do so with a horrible feeling in my gut and given that Uncle Chim Tuna has a gut made of steel, you know I am not playing around. I have a horrible fear for the foreboding in this instance.

I am writing up this piece in regards to a blogger I met once but who’s intelligence was something I appreciated -and I rarely find many people whose wit and intelligence impress me.

I have come across a post from Dennis Itumbi that touched on Bogonko Bosire and my interest was piqued. When I checked out what he said, my heart leapt to my mouth. i am honestly worried where I wasn’t before.

Apparently a few weeks back, someone posted on the controversiual blogger’s facebook page to say that he is dead. Incase you have been living under a rock, allow me to tell you what has been going on: Bogonko has been missing and his family, friends and colleagues have been worried for his safety.

This was the message posted:


Bogonko died… And I know because I am posting from the phone he had… He became a l;oose mouth at the end and had to be terminated.”


I hop the security organs are trying to dig up the truth of the matter.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)