Uncle Chim Tuna Presents, Kenyan Style Icons: Shaffie Weru (PHOTO GALLERY)
I have had enough of seeing Jamaican inspired fashion with little lads in Kenya because honestly, there is nothing swaggy about it. And because I believe that a problem is only a problem if you have a solution at hand to implement, I have to decided to raise this problem and use examples of well dressed Kenyan celebrities as a point of reference.
and being Naija myself, I know a thing or two about style and class. infact if there are people in Africa who know about class, it is Nigerians, Congolese and Luhyas know a thing or two about style.! So allow me to teach you a how to style up using Shaffie Weru (and for a point of note, i do not go in for the high fashion poof sense of style, I keep it simple but clean):
While chilling with the lads -steady sippin’- or for a night out around town -and notice the Shaqnosis kicks on his feet:
They retail at about 165 Sterling Pounds!
When you want to go out to a cocktail party a dinner, this look says 007 suave!
While chilling out and about town on one of those “meh” days
Even grown men can experiment with fashion once in a while. And Shaffie has pulled off this pair of harem pants rather well.
So Kenyan lads, stop dressing like lollipops or like Jamaican ruffians and step up your couture etiquette. If you want that ten over ten lass, play your part!