Uncle Chim Tuna Gets A Humiliating Beating By 3 Ratchet Girls!

Saturday was the scene of what was billed as the best concert this year has seen but it was also the scene of one of the most ratchet fights ever and it involved our very own Uncle Chim Tuna.

So this is what went down. Uncle Chim and Mista Majani were accosted by three girls as they were walking towards the entrance of Ngong Racecourse and after a brief exchange the girls started asking everyone who they were.Its like they were not even sure who Chim was. Uncle Chim then told the girls to”F. off!” As he and Baba Ghafla tried to walk away the girls blocked their path.An irritated Uncle Chim Tuna asked one of them, “Why are you talking shit when your P. stinks? Douche it!”





That was when all hell broke loose with the girl in question swinging punches at Uncle Chim who once again asked them to leave him alone but to no avail.This caused all better judgement to leave him  and he swung a few punches of his own.
The funny thing in all this is that Uncle Chim was so drunk that his punch didn’t connect. He just missed and fell over in the mud. The girl in question then attacked.the fallen Chim. Uncle Chim Tuna tried pushing them off  till the bouncers came and restrained Uncle Chim letting the girls go to hard on him. They kicked him in his family jewels several times as one went to town on his face with a stilleto at some point injuring his left eye!

The bouncers seemed more concerned with robbing Uncle Chim who was overheard telling them not to touch his phones -money went missing though. At some point the crowd that had gathered asked the bouncers to do their work and separate the two fighting groups instead of restraining Chim allowing the women to beat him. Uncle Chim suffered some serious injuries such as having one girl bite his hand clean to the tendon necessitating a visit to Nairobi hospital for a few stitches to his pinky,an x-ray,a bucket-load of antibiotics and a tetenus and rabies shot!

Thanks to the good work of doctors at the hospital i can now show you a less grisly pic of Chim’s finger.



And if you think Uncle Chim was on the wrong, then you have no idea! As soon as he was ejected from the venue, the same girls were in yet another fight! This time rolling on the floor with a gentleman who had come to break up the fight!

It seems Unce Chim had made some Mathare-Bound enemies!Talking about making enemies… It was a little odd that the girls came directly at Uncle Chim and ganged up on him and the bouncers preferred to relieve him of his money rather than break up the fight. Didn’t the Boombaataa Festival organizers pay them well?

About this writer:

Sue Watiri