“Unbwogable” Hit Maker Who Became A Dad 4 Days Ago Shows The Face Of His Daughter Who Was Born In France (Photo)

His daughter who was born in a French hospital four days ago has been named after his grandmother!

The wife of ‘Unbwogable’ hit maker Gidi Gidi (Joseph Ogidi) gave birth to a bouncing baby girl named Marie-Rose Hera Ogidi on Saturday.

Gidi Gidi has since revealed the face of his daughter. He says he decided to name her after his grandmother Teacher Rosemary Oyoo.


“Bonjour, My name is Marie-Rose Hera Ogidi. I am 4 days old. I was born last Saturday in Lyon France at 4.20pm, weighing 4kg.

I am named after my grandma, Teacher Rosemary Oyoo. Rosemary is Marie-Rose in French. Mum is fine and recovering well from Postpartum pain.

May I thank you all for welcoming me to the world. I hope it is a wonderful place. God Bless.

Bonne journée, Marie-Rose” Gidi Gidi wrote.


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Martin Oduor

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