Uhuru’s government steps back as 30,000 Kenyans in US are set to be deported by Trump

Donald Trump reiterated that his government would deport 3 million illegal immigrants in recent interview after he was elected president.
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The International Organization for Migration estimated that 30,000 Kenyans were irregularly residing in the US alone in 2015.
Government spokesman, Eric Kiraithe, yesterday November 15 told Kenyans facing deportation in the US to book early flight home.
” Kiraithe was quoted by the Star.
The repercussion on the Kenyan economy would be far greater since Kenyans in North America alone remitted 85 billion shillings in the year up to June 2016, according to data from Central Bank of Kenya.
Diaspora remittances are the single largest contributor to foreign exchange ahead of major exports such as tea; now that remittances from the US are projected to dwindle, one can only imagine how the Kenyan economy will be hit.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla