Which Zodiac sign do you have the best love connection with (Part 1)

Image: Helping one another


Aries is aroused by other Fire signs(Leo and Sagittarius). When it comes to relationships, Aries are passionate, daring, and sometimes selfish. If egos don’t go supernova, the Aries-Leo match grows into mutual adoration.

The Aries-Sagittarius couple hits the ground running and thrives with common goals. Aries stays inspired with the uplifting currents of air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini).

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Aries men are ruled by Mars, hence the masculine and often sparring persona. When it comes to finding a significant other, Aries men want a counterpart that can hold their own when it comes to an argument. Similarly, Aries women are risk takers and physical. Drawn to confident alphas, she loves a partner who can draw out her more feminine side.

If you’re taking an Aries out on a first date, make sure it’s not boring. Aries love a challenge and newness excites them.


The bull sign, Taurus takes it slow and easy with other Earth signs(Capricorn and Virgo). But Capricorn would be wise not to get bossy with the bull. Same goes for Virgo, who has the tendency to critique.

See you tomorrow for more love connections.

About this writer:

Desiree Miller

I'm a whole lot of "what not to expect."

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