Zakayo, Uganda’s Oldest Chimpanzee Turns 54

It’s a big day for one of Uganda’s main men. A man who contributes in both the tourism and environmental sector, Zakayo.

Uganda’s oldest Chimpanzee will today be koined jt the wildlook fe conservation team to celebrate his 54th birthday. The event will take place at UWEC zoo in Entebbe district.

Zakayo party last year

According to our sources, Zakayo was rescued at one year on  10th June, 1964, from Bundibugyo. The person who picked him up, stayed with the chimp zee fro about thirteen. years before later handing hi I’m over to Entebbe Zoo in 1976. He was the alpha male from 1976 to 2011,

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Zakayo cake last year

Apparently, around 1000 school children will be part of this celebration, which will contain a tree planting procession as one of the events.

Birthday boy eating his 2016 cake

“We shall also have educative talks on chimpanzees, art exhibition, music dance and drama from different schools,” said Isaac Mujasi, in charge of marketing for Uganda Wildlife Education Centre.

We shall posted on the details of the celebration. Happy Birthday to you Zakayo, from Ghafla.

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