Woman expresses her Dissatisfaction with GreenHill Academy in handling Bullying. Read Below
The thing we hope for most as parents, is the safety of our children. To know that they are safe in the hands of the administration of the school. Paulyn Katusiime took to Facebook, her anger concerning the failure of Greenhill Academy to handle the bullying of her sister. Read below;
I would like to express my deep disappointment at the Greenhill Academy Uganda management to be specific THE DEPUTY HEAD FOR O’LEVEL Madam EMILY . In this day and age of mental health awareness and the impact bullying has on young girls, we cannot afford to handle such matters with the laxity and sheer ignorance that was exhibited by the above mentioned persons of greenhill academy management.
My 12 year old sister that attends this school in s.1 has been a victim of bullying at this school. Students or a student constantly wrote in her books nasty things like SLUT, WHORE, GOLDDIGER . She reported the case to the administration and when we were called to the school they assured us that they would handle the matter and find the culprit but little to nothing was done. Today, 28/06/18 she received a very heartbreaking and threatening letter in her book.(letter posted below) she called us devastated and in tears and when we came to the school we found madam Emily and the school counselor on the case. They went ahead and told us how my 12 year old sister is so mature and is to blame for what’s happening to her. When asked what she means by mature she said because she had ‘confirmed’ she was in a relationship and they were fighting over an s.6 boy which she later retracted saying she had a clue and could not confirm immediately( which was a lie)

This lady in a very rude and callous way said how this was a simple matter and she doesn’t see why we were called. She blatantly ignored the fact that this was a threatening letter that attacked her family and mocked the death of her father. Enough to break a 12 year old’s spirit and this is a school that claims to have a strict no bullying policy. When asked about why she didn’t follow up on the previous cases she said she felt like the matter was resolved the first time and she felt no need for further investigation.This is gross negligence on her part because if she had found the culprit the first time we wouldn’t have got to this point. She very rudely started ignoring our questions and started texting while talking to us. When asked to stop being disrespectful and put her phone down, she then threatened to stop investigating the case. She asked my sister why she called us and not left it to the school.It is clear she didn’t feel safe and heard when she reported the case. She ended up blaming the victim.
Parents be weary of the characters nurturing your children’s minds, if this lady is anything to go by then I believe we are setting precedence for mentally/emotionally damaged children and watching it happen most times without our knowledge.
Greenhill Parents be warned and don’t let this lady function as an intermediary between you and your child in any matters.Her conscience is tainted and unbecoming of anyone who should be around children.
The world is cruel enough, our children should at least feel safe in their school environment and in case of anything should feel safe and confident to report such cases without fear of being reprimanded or blamed.