William Blick Elected New Member of the International Olympic Committee

Independence day surely came with some great news for the sports men of Uganda. The president of the Uganda Olympic Committee (UOC), WIlliam Blick has been elected as the newest member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). This all happened at the 133rd IOC Session sitting in Argentina.

This is indeed a great honor and an opportunity to contribute to making this world a better place using sport as a platform….” Blick Mentioned

Congratulations Mr. Blick

When it comes to sports in Uganda, certainly the Blick family cannot miss. His late father was a diversified sportsman. A boxer, footballer, motorbike rider, rally driver and golfer. William too played Rugby, football, and also engaged in motor-cross and rallying.  This explains his reelection as the president of UOC. William Blick is also the current president of Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (Anoca) Zone V which contains Eritrea, Sudan & South Sudan, Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

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Congratulations Mr. Blick!

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Always excited for no particular reason

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