Will The Basoga Sterotype Continue After 2018?
Over the years, Ugandans have created a variety of stereotypes, about people from different regions of the country. The one that has gone far and wide is that of the Basoga. From jokes, to me message, to songs and insinuatioms, Ugandans have called them all names, from backward, to uneducated, to jiggers, and more, but will they do this again after 2018?
This tribal group is changing the country. Quiin Abenakyo, the only miss Uganda to make it to Miss World Top three over the years, is evidence to this. Moses Waiswa has taken the best male soccer player trophy at the Airtel FUFA Awards. They clearly have the beauty, and the talents.
Some of the biggest positions in Ugandan politics are taken up by the Basoga, And in addition to this, the most beautiful bridge in the country is in their town. The Tourism Ambassador, and one of the faces of Uganda Zari Hassan is from the land of the Basoga.