“What i wear is my own fashion” – Sheebah Karungi
Image: sheeba afterA week ago, the Pornography Control Committee issued a warning to singer Sheebah Karungi over her sensual dress code. However, the Team No Sleep singer hit back saying her dress code has nothing to do with her personal integrity.
“What I put on only reflects what I want as a fashionable person, sometimes their either short or long depending on the mood. But it has nothing to do with my personal integrity. People just have to change their mind set on that. Anyone who thinks my dress code reflects what I am will be surprised the day he/she meets me personally”, Sheebah while on an interview with Spark TV.
“I’m a very big role model to their children, for that I deserve some respect,” she added.
Sheebah also questioned the committee’s shift of blame to only the local artistes urging that; “The TVs their children watch play songs from Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé who also have nudity in their videos but because Sheebah is Ugandan, she is the only one you pin to respect the dress-code norms.”