Types of men you should Avoid dating at all costs
1.The night lover/Netflix and chill
He has never ever been seen in broad daylight with you. He will always have an excuse or be too caught up until later on in the night. He can order in your favorite meals, buy you your favorite flowers and gift you but he is not going to take you out. He will claim he is an introvert but his social media will be popping when you are not together.
2. Mr. Confused
This one does not know what he wants or what he is doing. Which means he does not know if he really wants you for the long haul, for the season or for the day? He will call you to tell you he will see you in the evening then change his mind an hour before or hours later to cancel without a good reason. Unless you have time that can be wasted, do not afford this one an audience to play this game, he can go be confused over there by himself.
3. The Ghost
He goes quiet for days or even weeks and resurfaces with some stupid excuse and continues the conversation where you stopped it as if you had been frozen and now he thaws you with his lies. The thing is that, these ones know how to sneak in and out; they have mastered this art and know your right buttons.
Mr. Too much talk without action
He never does what he says he will do basically he does not keep his promises. From returning a call, making reservations at a hotel or simply changing a bulb. He will often apologize and say how it is wrong for him to have done the mistake and promise you heaven and the stars whereas he cannot even carry your umbrella when it rains here on earth. Do not believe the hype.