Jessica’s husband has since hidden the children from their mother.
Although he would not hurt her, she says he tells their older daughter to hate their mother because she left them and married another man.
“It hurts that I cannot disclose to them the reason for divorce. Isaac is now openly gay and wears feminine clothes.
Missed signs
Jessica’s husband denied her conjugal rights for about three months with chronic claims of being tired.
“Hardly did I know that he was not tired but just did want to have sex with a woman”
She says he used to bring back clothes whenever he travelled to Kampala but always wondered why he could not buy any for his family.
At one point, she says, Isaac had kidney problems and spent a lot of her money on medical bills for treating an ailment she believes was caused by the men he slept with.
Although there had been a rumour about a year ago that he was gay, she had just ignored it.
The 25-year-old simply treated it as unhealthy rivalry from business cdecoration business in one of the Masaka town suburbs.
Because the father of her two children; a girl and a boy aged six and two respectively, had earned trust as a staunch Christian, singing in a church choir and always attending daily morning prayers, Jessica could barely think of the possibility of her husband sleeping with fellow men.
Her shocking discovery
One morning, Isaac who was exceedingly protective of his phone, forgot it at home, giving her a chance to check it.
But his conversation on WhatsApp gave her enough answers as to why he never wanted her to access his cell phone, even for a second.
“In the WhatsApp audios, a man who he had saved in his contacts as Precious, was accusing Isaac, of cheating on him
“I got to know ever since hearing rumours that my husband was gay. In fact it gave me an impression that he forgot it intentionally to let me know about it,”
But because of the deep love she had for her man whom she had even introduced to her parents and now planned to walk down the aisle, Jessica gave him the benefit of doubt and when he returned from Kampala with clothes as the norm was, she did not show signs of disappointment.
“I just calmly welcomed him back and asked him how he came to forget his cellphone. I wanted more solid evidence in order to come to a final decision,” she relates.
By coincidence, hardly two days later, a young man called Jessica telling her that her husband was trying to seduce him into homosexuality.
Jessica says she simply hang up on the man but he called back seeking to meet him and give her recorded audios of her man proposing to take him out.
“He told me that he was buying him chips, on top of giving him money, all in the name of luring him into homosexuality, ” the boy told Jessica.
“I wanted to make a decision after establishing the gospel truth, and what marked the end of my investigations is when I tricked him to have anal sex and he quickly welcomed the idea.”
She says when she asked him whether he was gay, the man seemed unafraid and quickly admitted it, saying she was stupid not to have known it.
For the eight years she had been married to Isaac, not real name, Jessica did not know that her husband was “someone’s wife” and the “wife” was jealous, of him having another wife.
Although there had been a rumour about a year ago that he was gay, she had just ignored it.
The 25-year-old simply treated it as unhealthy rivalry from business competitors in the events decoration business in one of the Masaka town suburbs.
Because the father of her two children; a girl and a boy aged six and two respectively, had earned trust as a staunch Christian, singing in a church choir and always attending daily morning prayers, Jessica could barely think of the possibility of her husband sleeping with fellow men.
Her shocking discovery
One morning, Isaac who was exceedingly protective of his phone, forgot it at home, giving her a chance to check it.
But his conversation on WhatsApp gave her enough answers as to why he never wanted her to access his cell phone, even for a second.
“In the WhatsApp audios, a man who he had saved in his contacts as Precious, was accusing Isaac, of cheating on him with other men, yet he was giving him everything, ranging from clothes and taking him out to posh hotels in Kampala”
That is when she got to know that the stylish shirts and trousers that Isaac brought home whenever he went to Kampala to buy decoration materials, were gifts from “his husband”, although he kept lying to her that a certain woman who fancied him was the one buying him clothes all in the name of love. Owing to her deep trust in him, she accepted the explanation, cautioning him not to fall prey to her.
As she listened to threads of conversation, more shocking evidence came up. The same man was bitterly accusing Isaac of having a wife in Masaka, something he was not willing to tolerate.
“My husband tenderly apologized, assuring him he would soon divorce me. He told me he just wanted to have children with me and now that he got them, he was just devising means of separating with me. This filled me with grief,” Jessica miserably recounts
Although she initially blamed herself for checking his phone, she later valued it.
Police in Kampala have arrested a 22-year-old woman for faking own kidnap as a way of testing her boyfriend’s love. Amina Mirembe made calls to her boyfriend James Mugoda claiming that she had been kidnapped by two men, who were asking for a Shs500,000 ransom on Sunday at 2am.
The boyfriend immediately reported a case at Ntinda Police Station and the anti kidnap teams swung immediately into action.
On failure to receive the intended ransom,Mirembe later sympathised with her boyfriend and called him saying she had been rescued by a police patrol vehicle.
However the security agencies in a bid to bring the reported case to a logical conclusion, tracked and found her lying on a bed, playing with her mobile phone with no sign of the alleged kidnappers at the scene.
Upon questioning the detectives found out that her statements were not coordinated given that no police patrol had been involved in any rescue.
Mirembe later admitted that she had made up the story because she thought another woman was interested in her boyfriend and she just wanted to see if he ‘truly cared about her’.
Mirembe is currently detained at Kira Road Police Station for giving false information and is to be arraigned before court.
A kenyan Man was on Sunday lynched by an angry mob after he was found having an unnatural act with a cow. Joseph Koech alias Mnandi, 25, was ambushed pants down at Tinet-Sawich village, Eldama-Ravine on Sunday morning.
He said he had been having sex with the cow because “most women have HIV”.
“Don’t kill me, let me surrender my piece of land to pay for the cow…I always have sex with the cow whenever I feel like because I fear girls might infect me with HIV,” Koech said before he was lynched.
He died at Eldama-Ravine level four hospital, where he was admitted.
Torongo location chief Edwin Ronoh said the man works as a casual labourer for a local saw miller at Sawich forest.
Ronoh said the family had been busy searching for their lost cow all morning in Sawich forest.
He said the suspect had tied the cow’s horns and rear legs on a tree to restrict her movement.
“I rushed to the scene with two AP officers to rescue the victim and we rushed him to Eldama-Ravine hospital but unfortunately he died shortly later,” the chief said.
The chief, on Monday, warned locals to stop taking the law into their hands.
“You should either report to the village elders, nearest chief or police station so that action is taken,” he said.
After living together for four years, a man in Gichiche village, Kenya stunned neighbours when he decided to evict his wife while referring her as “tenant”.
According to reports, a one David Kinyua served Juliet Karimi eviction notice stating that her grace period was long overdue.
Crazy World!
The stunned woman thus rejected to leave the home stating that she contributed to construction of the house and was equally a befitting owner. However, the husband went ahead and destroyed the house’s roof forcing the wife to report the matter to authorities.
When asked to explain his actions, David explained that a new tenant wanted to rent the place and was renovating the house.
There’s no doubt that Uganda is one of the freer countries around the world where women are allowed to dress, do business and marry whoever they like. Countries around the world put restrictions on women and their activities.
Ugandan women and girls might be taking relationships for granted but in some countries it’s a not even acceptable. Given the Islamic faith of the Gulf states, the whole issue of dating is, inevitably, a tricky one. Extramarital sexual relationships are illegal in the region, and kissing in public can also land you in trouble. Yes, having a bae can get you killed in countries like Pakistan! Not being killed by a mob or jealous person but your own parents! In this part of the world, this is described as ‘honour killing’, where a family ‘cleanses’ itself of a member whom they believe is behaving in a way that brings ‘dishonour’ to the family. Last year, on September 20, a man in Peshawar, Pakistan killed his two daughters because he thought they had boyfriends, and felt “ashamed” about them dating. What’s even worse, they usually get away with this act.
Social media slayage
Slaying on social media is actually a privilege some women in certain parts of the world don’t get to experience. While you pout, show-off that fine backside or layers of skin by a poolside, in some countries, this could attract death! Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch, was killed by her brother after her Instagram photos became a national sensation.
Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch
She was described as ‘Pakistani’s Kim Kadarshian’ before her brother ended her life by strangulation because she brought ‘shame’ to the family.
Flirting or talking to men
In September last year, an Indian father killed her 13-year-old daughter after he saw her talking to an older boy in a manner he deemed suggestive. According to the reports, the father hit her on the wall before he set her on fire! However, in Uganda, women can flirt with an entire village and still insult men while at it.
Breaking up
In countries like Pakistan, divorce or separating from a man can get you killed! Samia Shahid, 28, was raped and killed after she ‘dishonoured’ her family by divorcing Mohammed Shakeel, her cousin, after an arranged marriage. She then infuriated her relatives by getting wed for a second time after a secret divorce. Her father Muhammad was arrested over his daughter’s brutal murder in July 2016, along with her first husband, but was later released due to lack of evidence. In a similar incident, in UK, a British-Iraqi Kurdish woman who lived in Wimbledon, London, was murdered at age 20 in 2006 on the orders of her family.
Mahmod’s uncle and father had her raped and murdered, in revenge for her refusal to accept their determination to control who she saw and who she married.
Marrying one “above” your level
In Uganda, women detest the ‘broke guys”. Well, in some countries, there are castes; a social grouping that dictates one’s level of interaction. Marrying from a higher caste is not an elevation. It could get your man killed. Also falling for a less wealthy guy could get you or him killed! Six men including the girl’s dad were sentenced to death in India for the “honour” killing of a Dalit man who had married a woman from a higher caste. See? Uganda no one cares if you fall for a ‘lower-class’ guy.
Dress code and wearing make up
In all countries in the Gulf States, modesty is the watchword when it comes to dress. Muslim women will feel right at home, but non-Muslims may struggle initially with the adjustment. As a general rule, one is expected to cover up shoulders and knees, and in some places, clothes covering up to wrists and ankles may be required. This stretches to sports too! Sportswomen are expected to cover their heads and show minimum skin at all times.
Make major decisions without male permission
Recently, Saudi Arabia lifted the ban on women driving. However, despite lifting the ban some men were not pleased. Since they dictate what should be done, activists feared that some women might not enjoy the freedom because women are not allowed to make major decisions without male permission.
All women in the kingdom are considered to have a male “wali” – an official guardian, typically a father, brother, uncle or husband.
Although guardianship is not enshrined in written law, government officials, courts, businesses and individual Saudis generally act in accordance with it, meaning that, in practice, women need their guardian’s consent for any major activity, including travelling, obtaining a passport, getting married or divorced and signing contracts. This stems from the Quran that says, “Never will succeed such a nation as lets their affairs carried out by a woman”. As such, leadership positions and decision making is largely a male territory.
Wearing bras
In Uganda, pushup bras or showing off cleavage is an in-thing! If you have them, you flaunt them! However, in Somalia, this could trigger whipping! At the height of Al Shabaab insurgency in2009, Somalia gunmen rounded up any woman seen with a firm bust and then had them publicly whipped by masked men. The women were then told to remove their bras and shake their breasts. Al shabaab forced them to wear their type of veil. They introduced a hard fabric which stands stiffly on women’s chests. They stated that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat and not accentuated by “deceptive bras”.
At the moment, Chinese Businesses have taken over Uganda and the Asians Know just how to make money. With free trade between the two countries, Uganda may as well change its name to a Chinese alias. But if you thought every Asian you see around is an “investor”, think again.
Where Chinese prostitutes stage
Unlike our “local prostitutes” that operate on streets and bars, the “Shanghai beauties” mostly operate in casinos around town. For starters, forget the small time gambling joints frequented by broke youths, city casinos is where the rich go to load off some weight; of their cash!
To play to their advantage, Shanghai beauties usually reside in hotel rooms nearby such places. This makes them accessible whenever called for romantic investment. Also, their much cheaper Ugandan competitors dread such place which offers the Chinese a ‘’free-trade zone’’.
Our source revealed that unlike Ugandan prostitutes that use boda-bodas for movements, Shanghai beauties have cars.
“They drive cars that range between Shs20m to Shs60m. Also just like Ugandans, they move in groups of six to 10, dressed in micro-miniskirts and high heels,” the source revealed.
How business is done
The source revealed two techniques which the Shanghai beauties employ to get business done. Firstly, they use ‘pimps’ who are usually fellow nationals who have been in the country for a long time. The pimps connect them to loaded men and also part with their connection fee off the “romantic investment”.
However, the daredevil ones go bare knuckles. They lounge in the casino pulling off seductive gestures; a body language that any man worth his manhood can decipher!
Our source revealed that these street-smart groups feign to be clients before parading themselves as fertile land to the loaded gamesters for romantic, tax free business.
“They come in the casino as customers but on mission of spotting heavy gamesters. They play machines and other games as they lay traps for men who desire pleasure,” he explained.
However, if China’s international human trafficking record is anything to go by, it seems not all these women are voluntarily in the sex trade. The US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report for 2015 listed China on its “Tier 2 Watch List” for countries with significant or increasing human trafficking volumes.
With several Chinese nationals with money in the country, the traffickers know that these men will need female species and they lure the girls to Africa with promises of jobs like being waitresses and secretaries only to force them into sex trade on arrival.
According to our source, the charges for their services depend on one’s bargaining power just like the usual ladies-of-the-night trade. Our source revealed that for a “short” they charge $100 (about365,000) and for full night service, the charges double.
“For a short, they charge a minimum of $100 (Shs365,000) but for a night the prices double,” said our source before adding that; “Besides the language barriers, such charges are the reason why most Ugandans fall off.”
A cheating husband reportedly got stuck inside his girlfriend’s body in a lodge. The shocking event allegedly occured at Triple Zero Guest House in Namatala, Mbale.
The two reportedly arrived for their midday “snack” unaware of a charm allegedly put on him by his wife to curb his cheating ways.
The two love birds were carried out of the lodge on the love mattress and taken out for rituals in an attempt to distangle them.
Others say:
Other people who don’t believe in the reported charm say that there’s a scientific explanation for this. Either way We hope that is a lesson well learned.
Sex is one of God’s greatest gifts and there are people willing to kill for it.
Harriet Nambi, 24, a resident of Nakiyanja Village in Kaliro Town Council, allegedly stabbed Musa Batera, 25, for refusing to sleep with her.
According to Daily Monitor, she delivered a baby boy by caesarean section about two months ago. Her your husband Batera was a husband to three wives, and the chairman of Kaliro District Boda Boda Association since 2011, while Nambi is a primary school teacher in Kaliro Town.
Hasifa Babirye, a neighbour,told Daily Monitor that the couple developed a misunderstanding three days ago following accusations by Nambi that Batera had repeatedly refused to sleep with her.
“She told me that her husband was denying her sex yet she needed it. I asked her to wait since she had just been operated upon but she was obsessed,” Babirye told police.
She added, “I tried to ask her to give it time but she said she was going to harm him and when the husband returned, she stabbed him.”
According to residents, Nambi lured the deceased to their rented house and as soon as he entered, she started quarrelling which developed into a fight.
After delivering by C-section, doctors advise the couple to wait for atleast six months to allow for complete healing of the surgery.
If you want to know how had life is, ask a primary school teacher. A one Ruth Muga ended her life after most of her chickens were stolen during the festive season.
On Friday December 29 2017,after learning that thieves had stolen her 30 chickens, the Kenyan National decided it was not worth living anymore.
Muga, was a well respected poultry farmer in her neighborhood so she couldn’t take the fact that her chicken were gone.
Who she was
According to Muga’s friends and relatives,she had invested alot in the chicken farm to supplement her income.
They say she was passionate about farming something that might have led to her actions. The late is said to have gone missing from home on Friday,without telling anyone only for her lifeless body to be discovered in her poultry house hours later.