Colonel Okello Egola Says Soldiers Who beat up People are From West Africa, not UPDF

Majority of the Ugandans have witnessed the brutality during demonstrations and campaigns through various videos making rounds on Media. Some people have been permanently injured, others killed, and others left with great expenses to deal with. Colonel Okello Egola, before the defence committee said that the men in Uniform were from a West African Country and not the UPDF. In a short video shared by NBS TV, in which a dialogue was taking place, the colonel denied all the claims that UPDF Soldiers mistreated the population.

“You cannot prove this is a UPDF,“he said, ” Get us the soldiers, get us the pictures, so that we go and trace.”

Ugandans Reject First Video Footage of Bobi Wine. Call it Photoshop

Yesterday,  video hit Social Media, of the Ghetto President, being visited by the Deputy Speaker, Jacob Oulanya at the Military Barracks. Many Ugandans on Social Media have however come out to reject this 8- minute shaky clip. The masters of photo shop have even pointed out what makes this video a false one.

One of the posts analyzing the video

Peoples questions mainly circulate around why the texture of the celebrity’s photo differs from that of the people within the room. Why there are shadows around his body. Why the video is shaky and short.  There is also an electric kettle in the scene. What do you think about this video?