Since singer Radio’s death, last year weasel has been struggling to keep afloat in the music career. This a come with a lot of scrutiny causing him to clutch at any straws to save it.
Weasel has teamed up with King Saha, who many think sounds similar to the late Mozey. With the smash hit titled “Mpa love” critics havebseen it as an attempt to revive the duo something the two singers have vehemently denied.
They have also have a new project “onkubisa” which has been newly released.
Insiders reveal that Weasel and Sasha have already recorded over 15 songs and they will be outed this year.
“King Saha is one of the most talented artistes I have ever met.I love working with him,” Weasel Manizo commented when he was asked about working with King Saha.
Singer Spice Diana is allegedly joining Goodlyfe crew.
Sources within the camp claim that the singer could be signed by Goodlyfe management as Weasel’s singing partner. This comes after his longtime singing partner, Radio Mowzey, passing on early this year after succumbing to head injuries sustained in a bar brawl at DeBar, a hangout in Entebbe.
Spice Diana is currently abroad with Weasel and Goodlyfe management for gigs.
Howwe has learnt that Goodlyfe’s manager Chagga introduced himself to the press as Spice Diana’s new manager, a move that left many shocked since Roger Lubega has been her longtime manager.
It is remembered that before the death of singer Radio, Spice Diana had recorded a song titled “kyuma” with the singing duo. She also has a collabo with Weasel called “32”.
Singer Weasel Manizo recently paraded his new baby mama, Nabukeera but that doesn’t mean he no longer loves his estranged wife, Samira, who is the mother of Weasel’s favourite child, Dylan.
Moles intimated us that Weasel and Samira have been spending nights together at Serena hotel.
Although witnesses say Weasel and Samira are back together,
Samira told snoops that she only meets Weasel to get upkeep for their child.
Few months ago, Weasel confessed his undying love for Samira.
He was quoted saying, ” Samira will always be my woman. I still love her.”
It should be noted that Weasel’s new friend, Bryan White offered to meet the singer’s expenses at the hotel as the singer recovers from Radio’s loss.
One major thing that keeps artists together is their ability to stand by each other during trying times. It has been a hard month for Weasel, after the loss of his partner/ friend/ brother, Mowzey Radio. Various artists have shown their support to the musician, from both within the country and all over East Africa. The latest is Peter Okoye, from Nigerian group P-Square.
May his soul rest in Peace. #Soldier
Following Radio’s death, P square sent a condolence message to Weasel and Radio’s family. A video clip circulating, shows Peter Okoye singing to “Nakudata” on stage, during his performance in USA.
When Goodlyfe management announced they had ended their relationship with Bryan White, it was relayed he’d go to US for a short vacation as he heals from the wounds caused about by the death of his singing partner, Mowzey Radio.
The vacation has however been postponed after reconciling with Bryan White who is going to keep him busy doing charitable causes.
“Weasel is currently going to USA to recover,” read a statement shared on the Radio and Weasel official page.
Latest on the grapevine is that Weasel has pushed it to next month.
Goodlife management is on a hunt for Wendy, the girl who did the mashup of their songs. She made this as a tribute to music legend, Mowzey Radio, who passed on last month. As mentioned on their social media pages, they are interested in signing her up under the Moses Angel label.
♥It all started with kakensa media releasing an audio on their Facebook page. This song was recorded as a tribute to music legend, Radio. Kakensa asked fans to guess which female artist made the mashup of the songs so beautifuly. Mnay people mentioned Lillian Mbabzi, a fomer girlfriend to the deceased. Some were sure that it was done by songbird Irene Ntale.
We have discovered that the hit was done by Wendy, whise facebook handle is WendyMusic. She had posted on her wall;
“I did this for the love I had for the legend
You will forever live in our lives
R.I.P King Radio
Innocently, she even made a vidoe for the song, that has received over two thousand views on twitter and over 4000 on Facebook. This has caught the eyes of many, and her beautiful voice has mesmerised alot of Radio’s fans.
Radio and Weasel management look for Wendy
Wendy updated friends and fans about the video;
“please my lovely people help ME share this VIDEO as much as you can(KING RADIO SHALL BE REMEMBERED AND MISSED ALWAYS…)
watch the full video in the link below and please subscribe to my youtube channel”
This is great talent and a wonderful.tribute. Wendy, you are being hunted down for a beautiful opportunity.
Since February 1st, the country has been in grief. It has not been an easy month for the friends and family of Mowzey Radio. Weasel, his companion, and fellow member of the Good life Crew, is one of the people who have felt the most pain.This is because the death of the man he called a “brother”, came as a shock, not only to himself but to all their fans. We have come to learn that to recover from this trauma, Weasel is traveling to USA for a vacation.
The two have gone through a lot together, and built a music career that was on it’s road to the international market. Weasel is now alone, and this, can traumatize this young talent forever. The face book post by the administrator of their page read;
“Weasel will be currently going on a retreat to USA for two months to freshen up as he recovers from the loss of his dear brother and friend Mowzey RADIO that passed on early this month”
This is a good move, and we believe will help Weasel recover from this shock. May the Lord strengthen him.
Mowzey Radio, was one of the most talented singers in the whole country.
Radio died in a club scuffle, at De Bar, in Entebbe. He was assaulted and beaten to unconsciousness. The talented singer was transferred to Case Hospital, and he breathed his last. May his soul rest in peace.
Bryan White may be the towns biggest money bag, but this chap has proved to the fans that he has no respect. In a public function, this new socialite called out Weasel in a very disrespectful manner. “Where is Weasel? Weasel! Yiita wo wano! Weeaasseel!” he said, like he was talking to a little boy. Following this embarrassment, the Good life team ended their partnership with the don. Read the entires tory below;
In a Facebook post, they made this clear, to the man who had supported Mowzey’s family with hospital bills.
Official Statement On the Status of our Relationship With our Client Bryan White Foundation.
Our agenda as a brand is to RESPECT and PARTNER with fellow Artistes, Business people and Entities with an agenda of developing one another as we build our great nation, Uganda. Unfortunately, this has not been met with our current client Brian White Foundation.
Its a shame to our brand and our other business partners that believe in us when a client ( Bryan White ) doesn’t accord us RESPECT to the brand in an equal measure even after running to us to use weasel on his brand just during our trying moment.
Its from this that we halt any business dealing or community social responsibility that we have been engaging in with its founder and the foundation as a whole with immediate effect.
Weasel who was part of the Goodlyf crew officially released the much anticipated tribute song to his fallen singing partner Mowzey Radio.
The song is titled ‘Tokyayitaba’, loosely translates as “you don’t talk anymore”. Weasel expressed how he is missing his brother and also the moments they spent together while the vocalist was alive.
Weasel performed the song at Theater La Bonita where he and Radio were the main stars on the Ebonies’s weekly ‘Music Tantal’ night.
The singer will also premiere some of his other new projects to cement his place in the industry as a solo artist.
Self styled tycoon Brian white and weasel manizo have had a serious fall out.
After the death his singing partner Mowzey Radio, Brian White pledged to support Weasel financially. He said he had signed him as one of the singers that would be singing at Brian White Foundation forthcoming occasions.
That, however, seems to have fallen flat as the two have developed misunderstandings according to sources.
Brian White accuses Weasel of siding with some of the people that wanted to beat him. Weasel also shunned a gathering organized by Brian White in Kaga on Wednesday and opted to be at Neverland, Makindye with his Goodlyfe members and singer Jose Chameleone. This angered Brian White and he has since withdrawn his support.
Weasel is already is studio working on his first track titled, “Kinuma”.
Weasel has moved out of the Goodlyfe’s home, Neverland in Makindye following the demise of singer Mowzey Radio.
The remaining goodlyf member has currently vacated Neverland as he tries to cope up with life without his friend.
He has been living with Radio at Neverland for many years.
Not too long ago, their former manager, Jeff Kiwa claimed part ownership of the house. He was thrown of the house following a disagreement with the boys.
Currently, the house has no occupants. And security has been deployed at the gates.
With the current tension surrounding Moze Radio ‘s murder, police is on high alert. An unlucky doppleganger was arrested and later released in a case of mistaken identity.
The man suspected to have taken part in the death of musician Mowzey Radio was arrested after a tip off from an onlooker.
Kabarole District Police Commander,Musa Tibakirana, explains that the said man was arrested at 6:30 am on Sunday at the popular Glue Pot bar in Fort Portal town.
he was mistaken by his striking resemblence to Godfrey Wamala, the bouncer implicated in the death of Mowzey Radio.
Thankfully for him upon interrogation, it was established that he is Ivan Muhihi, a resident of Kireka in Kampala, hailing from Rukingiri district.
Wamala has still not been seen after the incident that caused the death.
Once a soldier, always a soldier, and we proved just that at fallen singer, Mowzey Radio’s burial this weekend. From the time the singer was announced dead, the mood of the people of Uganda has been down. Large crowds of people flocked the hospital, and a number escorted the body wherever it went. All Social media pages were filled with videos, photos and memories of him before this fateful day. He indeed left a mark in everyone’s heart. The musician team of Uganda, decided to bury Radio like a hero. Truly what he deserves.
Hundreds and hundreds of people gathered up at the burial of the soldier
At his home in Makindye, hundreds of people turned up for the vigil, and double or more of that number made their way to the viewing of the body at Kololo airstrip. According to our sources, it is from there that fellow musicians mounted a guard of honor for his casket as a sign of respect. Some of these included, but not limited to; Bebe Cool, Jose Chameleon, Angela Kalule, Iryn Namubiru, Eddy Kenzo, Sam and Sophie Gombya, and Dr Hilderman. Weasle shared his pain to the crowds, as he had lost not only a friend, but a brother.
Jaguar, made his way to Uganda to mourn with his brothers
Charles Njagua Kanyi aka jaguar, who is a Kenyan singer, and Starehe Constituency Member of Parliament, covered the distance to come and stand with his brothers in mourning. The different musicians also performed, at Kololo, to held people stand strong in these trying times. Like many said; “This radio may be dead, but it’s music still plays, and will forever live on”
Mowzey Radio passed on abruptly and left the entire country in shock. He also left behind beautiful young babies, who still have a wonderful future ahead of them. His children are all still toddlers, and the mothers attended the burial and vigil, every step of the way. One of them is fellow musician, songbird, and former Blu3 member, Lillian Mbabazi. She was there with her two children, filled with pain, and sorrow. Desire Luzinda decided to reach out to this fellow mother, with a word of hope.
Mowzey Radio kisses Lillian on the cheek at Amnesia back then
Mowzey and Lillian have been Uganda’s true love couple for a long time. They have had breakups and makeups, especially when the other baby mama’s came into the picture. It is time now for Lillian to be strong for her two babies.
“As a mother,I feel the pain Lillian is going through. Raising a child is not a walk over but again raising a child single highhandedly must be way tougher than imagined. As the kids grow they will ask for their father and so many other questions you will not have answers to but I pray for you to be strong. I pray that as you strive to raise them God paves major ways for you to feel like you never felt empty at any moment. You will manage!”
Stand strong Lillian, the Lord will guide you through these trials. May his soul rest in peace
Bryan white has once again been embarrassed by his own katemba. After publicly handing over 25 million contribution to Radio’s treatment, he thought it was a pass to bring a huge entrouge to the vigil.
The showy tycoon was reportedly ordered by bouncers to either reduce on his entourage or go back.
He tried to plead but no one at the gate cared to listen. After being embarrassed, the skinny tycoon drove off shamefully to unknown destination.