President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has signed the controversial age limit bill into an act. After all the bloodshed and arrests that took place in the last quarter of 2017 lifting of the presidential age limit was voted into law by parliament.
According to the director of Communication of Parliament, Chris Obore, the bill was signed into law on December, 27th.
The bill is therefore now an act before the clerk of Parliament.
“We received communication from State House about the signing and as we talk, it is before the clerk”, Obore said.
About the Bill
Legislators on December 20th, 2017, passed the Constitution amendment bill dropping the 75 year upper age limit for presidential candidates and extending the term of Parliament to seven years.
Various Members of Parliament returned to their districts to consult the population about the lifting of the presidential age limit. In some places, it is peaceful, whereas in others, there are a few scuffles. Two days back, the people of Moyo district decided to take the law into their own hands. They rioted and held a strike over the order for the arrest of Obongi County Member of Parliament, Hassan Kaps Fungaroo, who was consulting them over the said bill.
Police at the scene
It is alleged that the police however dismissed these claims. The Police Spokesperson, AIGP Asan Kasingye explained that the citizens were just not happy about the delayed road construction by the Uganda National Roads Authority. (UNRA)
A group of angry residents from Moyo district, surrounded their Deputy Police Officer, and arrested him, as portrayed by a photograph that circulated around social media. In other pictures also, tires were being burnt in the middle of the town road road. According to, it was termed as a citizens arrest. They further defined it as an arrest made by a person who is not acting as a sworn law-enforcement official.
Citizen’s arrest
The government of Uganda is on a move to amend the constitution, remove the presidential age from existence. In pursuit of this, the 449 Members of parliament were a few months back, each given a sum of 29 million Uganda Shillings to seek the views of their various supporters on the presidential age limit issue that had been postponed. As the deadlines draw nearer, there have been positive responses from some places, whereas others have completely opposed the move.
Its still one day to Thursday when the presidential bill amendment is due, but the MPs cannot wait! Yesterday evening there was a scuffle in Parliament and some of the MPs took it outside to handle it like men.
Abiriga almost beaten up badly
Bernard Atiku, representative for Ayivu sub County almost wounded Arua Municipality MP Ibrahim Abiriga after a heated argument, and giving him a few blows. These two were in the end separated by officials such as David Abala and Gaffa Mbwatekamwa.
It is said that Hon Atiku overheard Hon Abiriga call him stupid as he conversed to other MPs. He then got angry and the two had their own exchange outside Parliament.
The two MPs being separated
“I am a Member of Parliament, I deserve to be respected,” Atiku was heard saying, then he pointed a warning finger towards his colleague. According to the insider, it is also said that the heated argument developed after Abiriga had said that President Museveni is a heaven sent angel who does not deserve any sort of competition.
During the blows, Abiriga, commonly known as “Yellow boy” was also overheard saying, “I need some water, get me water”
MP Abiriga taking some water
The presidential age limit is still a very sensitive topic that has been under debate this entire week, not only in the August house but in the entire country at large. Come Thursday, we shall see the outcome of all this. Meanwhile, there is heavy deployment of policemen all round the city center. Do you support that the Presidential age limit should be removed?