Television personality Justine Nameere has run to the High Court’s Civil Division to block her rival Faridah Nakazibwe from travelling to the United States of America.
Faridah is expected to co-host the upcoming Uganda Festival in the US but documents produced in court claim that it would be impossible for the court to issue an order against her in a defamation case in which Nameere is demanding for Shs500m in damages.
According to Justine Nameere, Faridah Nakazibwe has not been compliant.
She says:
Nakazibwe wrote the worst allegations about me, for everything she alleged she claimed to have evidence including videos and audios but interestingly she has failed to produce even one statement of evidence in court. She has dodged the summons even after extension of time. I don’t hire a dog and bark. I hired lawyers to get me justice if they believe this woman is being dodgy and suspect that it’s because she might leave the country it’s their job to tell court to compel her to finish the case first before she leaves. And the application is not to block her from going to the US, it is to any country unless she shows cause to court process. The same way she sued red pepper for defaming her is the same way she was sued for defaming someone. What is good for the goose is good for the gander! No body has bull shitting rights over others, when you breach someone’s rights, you be ready to face the consequences! Now this sympathy seeking of twisting information to get Nameere attacked will not work. The ridicule and abuses only make my case stronger. And oh my…her post still stands on her page yet she can’t defend it in court?! Lastly let’s stop misusing the words “jealousy/ envy”. Me and Nakazibwe have totally different journeys. Am a Lawyer, business owner and part time TV talk show host and producer while she’s a full time journalist. Let’s not imagine situations.
As you already know, Justine Nameere has been dealing with quite some issues and it is not just with Faridah Nakazibwe.
Her problems seem to just keep piling up. The latest reaching us is that the former TV presenter had a TV show to pitch to NTV but the station management had one thing for her after promises; a DENIED stamp.
The sad part of this is that Nameere, who has time and again boasted about being ‘self-employed and not interested in working for people anymore’, had earlier announced the programme on her social media and asked her fans to watch that space for it was soonest.
“I thank my Sweetheart Kagimba Mugimba Raymond for standing with me through the last crazy weeks. Ray has been part of finding a solution to this mess from the first day my accuser started tormenting me with these allegations……#DRINKFROMMYCUP kicks off any minute on NTV Uganda so keep glued! Be blessed y’all. ”. She wrote. Apparently the Serena-based TV station dropped the show, arguing that it fell short of their standards. Ouuuuuch! Sorry girl!
Never joke with a cat fight between two women. It gets very serious and dangerous. Remember what was happening between Faridah Nakazibwe and Justine Nameere? The fight over a man, and various accusations going back and forth? Well, it urns out Justine is not playing any games no more. She is going straight to court to sue her counterpart.
I will sue you, says Justine
In the notice, Justine claims that Faridah wrote a defamatory letter against her. In a clause, it also reads; ” unlike you, our client is a family woman, a public figure, a celebrity andd media personality with a clean reputation globally”
In this notice, Justine’s lawyers cleary state that Faridah should compensate with 500 million Uganda Shillings, make an pology in bold letters on n the same Facebook platform, and pay the legal expenses incurred by the client within five days. Thanks to Urban TV for the news.
The three heavy conditions under this notice
I wonder where all this is heading to. What do you think Faridah Nakazibwe will do?
Dr. Omar Ssali aka Omar Junior husband to Faridah Nakazibwe has responded to the Facebook ‘cat fight’ between his wife and former NTV presenter Justine Nameere.
Like a good husband, Dr. Omar has come to his wife’s defense. In a Facebook post, he reveals that he was speechless over the ‘war’.
” I purposely allowed the date 01/04/2018 to pass because I was thinking of the right words and finally I didn’t get but managed to come up with this”, he opens in his statement.
In the next sentences, he describes his wife in colourful diction.
“This woman right here, is a fighter, a motivator, a role model to many of us, a money chaser, dream hunter, and of course not a beauty or a figure chaser because God blessed her with all that in abundance. She is a bully when it comes to money making, love and care. I respect her with that because she knows her onion. She is the only chief without a red cup. Am proud of you my chocolate mixer. Love you always”, he stated.
In a hard hitting Facebook post, Nakazibwe claims for over one and a half years now, Nameere has been on her case by tarnishing her name. Nameere has created over 10 pseudo accounts which she has been using to malign her (Nakazibwe) in the face of her husband a one Omar Ssali by telling him how she is a prostitute who sleeps with all kinds of men for money and favours.
Justine Nameere is not going to let her name and fame be dragged in the soil. She has responded to accusations made by Faridah Nakazibwe.
Faridah Nakazibwe I DO NOT DO MEN, I DO A MAN! I have one man, he’s the father of my children, he’s the only one am after every day! I can kill for him and
I have stood by him through thick and thick, he too has stood by me through thick and thin, our family, friends and work mates know that! I have no reason whatsoever to go after your man who I don’t know!
TODAY I was at home cooking for my family and our visitors, I wasn’t even online when phone calls started bombarding me and my man! “Go online go online” was what every one said. Ah I was reluctant because I thought it’s one of these bloggers writing some nonsense like they always do, which majority times I care less about. So I insisted to one of the callers “am busy kiki?” “Faridah Nakazibwe is saying you’re after her man”. Oh there goes the story my man and I have been dealing with for two years!
My man and I have been together for 5 years and we have 2 great children together. Farida you started to harass us close to two years ago when I had just had our son. I was still at Kampala Hospital after a ceasor birth, when you started to send me insults and threats of how I should leave your man alone.
You had previously sent me messages saying “oh someone seems to have used a fake page to front you to malign me before my husband”. Because am not often online and then I was heavily pregnant, I didn’t take it as a big deal, I was even too pregnant tired to give it much thought.
And even the number the fake page had fronted was a Warid code tagged to my MTN number i.e. a fake Warid number so I ignored it. But later when you sent insults and threats and you asserted “your husband says it’s me”, it started to get disturbing! I tried to explain to you in vain! My man personally called you on your phone, using his real number and challenged you to send us just one message coming from my number or facebook page or whatsapp number or a voice note coming from any of those platforms you failed to send one, all you claimed was “she uses fake pages”. “If they’re fake pages what makes you believe it is Justine behind them and how did you know they are fake pages?!” you insisted “she uses them and my man says it’s her”. The harassment continued and I took the matter on legally!
How many times did our Lawyers ask you to bring those messages and for your man to show up and show those messages right from the receiving phone and you never showed up and you claimed he’s not available. I filed a complaint with Lukwago and Company Advocates in 2016,
I filed another with Signum Advocates just last year when you relentlessly glued on me, asserting “your man says am sending him messages”. This time when you refused to come to them, I came with a Lawyer to NTV and asked to speak to you personally but you simply screamed at me and called me all sorts of things, I still failed to get angry at you because I couldn’t tell why you’re so convinced by what you call “fake pages” to be me simply because your man says it’s me.
The post that Nameere is reaponding to
That day we had moved with our Company Admin Assistant, Miss Sharon who also got so confused at why you believe it’s me. I decided to open a case with Kira road police and they called you on the next Monday to show up with the man you claim I send messages using fake pages, with his phone so that IT experts could figure this out once and for all, you said you would get back to us when he’s back from abroad. Even at Police I was with my man! We didn’t hear from you since then until now when you posted what you posted about me.
I don’t know your man, not by name or identity! I don’t know your life or background, you started anchoring at WBS when I was in primary so I don’t know any background of yours that you claim am telling your man about so as to tarnish your name! You claim am jealous of you but we are pursuing different dreams, so how could I be jealous of you?! Plus everyone who knows me and my man knows we are inseparable, we work together, we deal together, we are ever in each other’s space.
The man himself told you “whatever fake pages are doing to your marriage, Justine is not part of it”. You insisted it’s me. Now kindly answer the questions below:
1. If both you and your man know that these are fake pages why do you claim they’re breaking your marriage to the point of you crying out to the public?! Why do you even give fake pages your time, of all things there’s to do by couples why give time to fake pages?!
2. If this is an issue that you could be this serious about why do you dodge the lawyers and Police yet you are here tarnishing someone’s name?!
3. Can you please produce any technical evidence that you have collected over the two years of harassing me, showing that your “fake pages” are mine?!
4. If you claim that your “fake pages” send my number as the number for your man to call on for more information, did you ever receive any of the messages you’re saying from my number?! Or did you and your man ever call my numbers and you heard me saying any shit to him?!
5. Recently Ministers’ phones and MPs’ phones were hacked in using facebook fake pages or shit like that, as a journalist working for a Top TV you have no single idea that there’s electronic fraud in the world?!
6. Did you ever open a harassment case against me, criminal or civil for the two years you have harassed me?! On the contrary you have dodged those I have opened!
FINALLY everyone has seen me speak my heart and mind to anybody using my own pages without fear or favour! Am not a fake page kinda person and they’re not in my world! If your man or whoever is fronting me to play on your mind and you have failed to be smarter than them, well tell them I won’t be the other fool! I will not let you or them or any body play with my name and the peace of my family.
ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Faridah Nakazibwe posted on Facebook Page. She seemed angry, and accuses Justine Nameera of attempting to bring her and her marriage down. Whatever NTV does to its presenters. We are yet to find out. For now, grab some pop corn because it is about to go down.
Well….silence is one of those tools I have used to win in life. I wish I could continue keeping quiet but…not with my name being pulled down by someone I have only met at a workplace before.
I don’t know much about you, Justine. Don’t care about your life. Infact, I don’t want to know you beyond what you did at NTV but.. Wallahi onnemeddeko, forcing me to bring your inbox dirt out. (I know you are going to deny it coz gal, you have mastered the art of FAKE)
Am not so sure what your cause is…I am only seeing a woman focused on bringing me and my marriage down.
1. You have opened up over 10 fake facebook accounts(some opened up in my name, using my picture), writing to my husband, maligning me. At first, I thought it was a joke and I even personally texted you in your fb inbox, notifying you about someone using your mobile number as a contact for my husband to reach them. You denied….only for your continued texts to give you away.
Some of the posts that faridah says Justine posted
2. You have threatened us continously and I chose to treat you as a barking dog, hoping you would give up but…you just won’t stop!
3. You have tapped my phones, hacked my fb and email accounts, you have offered my freinds money in exchange for information about me, stalked me on tv, office and along the way home, but stilled you can’t produce proof of my alleged infidelity.
4. There is proof that you are responsible for the bad press around me for the past over 1 and a half years and I ask myself:
Faridah exposes her inbox
Are you threatened by my little success? Do you need my help indirectly? Why are you so bitter? Are you an obsessed admirer of me? Why are you so bent at failing me? When do you ever get time for yourself and your family?
Anyway…..attached are just some of the hundreds of screen shots of your lugambo to my hubby via his inbox, whose access I have btw and….your latest fake account JOJO BELLA in my inbox before you took your desperacy to bloggers, pretending to be my freind’s wife…God!!. Did you even think of what that could do to his young family????
You can now pull out your tired phrase of…..”I am a lawyer and I need an apology or else this post should be pulled down before I sue you.” ?
Am doing this not because am a coward seeking attention but because I am sick and tired of being stepped on by you, Justine who thinks you can kill my name through a mere baseless chat to an unprofessional blogger who is so used to copy and paste. Do you know how many people you are hurting along the way?
Btw, I am deliberately staying away from releasing voice call records to my husband, pictures of your hot gals in Qatar with their mum on mission, your taped video at my freind Irene’s office just to get information about me… doing this because I still want to remain civil with you and not to directly involve those playing in the background… otherwise, your team of “wise” women will be exposed if you don’t leave me alone.
The IGP’s office is aware of this though I still asked them to keep it calm….simply to avoid drama.