They say your friends will all run away when you fall into a ditch. Could this be true? Singer Cute Kaye was caught stealing car headlights, and is currently having a hard time.Many people are saying this is shameful. It is also embarasing to them that a music star can fall to this level. Apparently, he may be struggling financially. Some rumors have started circulating that the singer is practicing drug use. Douglas Lwanga, TV presenter, and Purple party Major, has however come out and penned him an encouraging message.

He posted;
I wont Judge you, Ill pray 4 u There s a reason why u have such a voice bro. If the world doesn’t believe in u anymore that should never make you hate ur self . Qute Kaye u still have a voice u still have talent. Don’t give up on ur self, May God guide you to the light again. Amen