BebeCool and his wife Zuena Kirema have today morning welcomed a new member to their family. Zuena has given birth to a bouncing baby girl.
He posted he posted the news this morning of his social Media;
“And finally this morning at 4:40,Allah has blessed our family with a bouncing baby girl and she will be called EMAN. Thanks for all your prayers as both mom and daughter are well.”
This will be the fifth child for the couple Behind Alpha, Beata, caysan and Dean
Bebecool has really put in the work this year and the fruits are showing.
After featuring on this year’s coke studio project, he has been in studio doing what he does best.
The “mbozi za Malwa’ singer got in touch with American super star Jason Derulo and Rayvanny to make this awesome tune you can not resist.
Jason Derulo was this year’s guest star on Coke Studio Africa which was highlighted in a special episode themed the Global Fusion Edition alongside different African acts.
Bebecool hits for 2017
When we say he has been busy, we mean it. He has released other hit songs such as Perfect loving, One more touch featuring X Tay Grin, Pass n Go and Kiki Ekigaanye.
Singer Bebecool has spoken out on the death of his friend and colleague DizzyNuts.
Dizzy Nuts was knocked down by a speeding vehicle that claimed his life instantly. Bebe cool claims that the attack was meant for him as the vehicle with tinted windows and no lights was parked at a bank close to where his was parked.
Another friend of Bebe cool Kato Hassan was injured in the leg and forehead but is a stable condition.
We all remember that Singer Bebe Cool was given condolence for Danz Kumapeesa’s funeral by president Museveni.
This has sparked controversy since the family claims never to have seen this money. According to Kasuku the resident celebrity gossip reporter, Bebe only paid the hospital bill at Nsambya costing 4.6m and service providers totaling to 8m.
The rest of the money disappeared through Bebe Cool’s pockets. Well, he is having a new baby on the way but since he is close to the presidency he could still ask for the pocket money.
If you thought only people from a certain region get favors from president Museveni, you thought wrong.
As it turns out, Bebe cool has found the goose that lays the golden eggs because as he revealed at producer Danz Kumapeesa’s funeral, he receives monthy pocket money from His Excellency.
Bebe cool claims this was the reason he was the one chosen to read the condolence message from the presidency to Danz family.
Bebe said ” As you all know, I get most of my money from (him) and I share with my friends”
We have also seen Bebe close to other money bags like Mogul Sudhir Ruparelia so as you can see he knows whom to milk.
What is Big, will always be Big, and not shrink anytime soon. He is up and healthy again and leaving no room for rest. Bebe cool is already excited and in preparation for his video shoot for a yet another audio. Just like; “I will love you every day” here is yet another song with a very enticing title, “one more touch” This song in particular features Malawian top artist, Tay Grin, who arrived Monday night.
Tay Grin is in town
In 2015, Bebe Cool got five of his videos having rotations on Mtv. The Gagamel CEO is International, and spreading the Ugandan air to various artists. This video will be shot by Sasha Vybes, and guess where it is going to be.
Nothern Uganda, in the district that recently hosted the East African games. Gulu city are you ready for a gagamel takeover? BebeCool chose you, and he clearly indicated why. Quoting his words;
It’s time to show UGANDANS and the rest of the world that Uganda is a beautiful country with beautiful scenery worthy a visit despite all the negative that has been said and done”
At the end of his post, he has also promised to be inviting more world music artists / friends to shoot videos in different parts of the country. It seems BebeCool has launched a new project and he is going to make Uganda big allover the world.
Get ready Gulu city, for this experience and thank you Gagamel for the wonderful work and exposure you are doing. Big is Big