Spark TV’s Jamira Mulindwa Scoops a WASH Media Award

The WASH (Water and Sanitation) media awards where staged for its second year, last week on Friday at Sheraton Hotel, and many different journalists managed to score themselves different awards over the stories they covered.

The golden girl

Jamira Mulindwa from Spark TV was one of the lucky winners of the day. She scooped an award for Best News Anchor under the WASH TV category. Jamira presents on the program “Agfeyo” on the TV Station and her news most times covers different challenges in WASH that communities in slums and villages face. Susan Nanyonzi was also a runner up for this award, and from the same TV Station.

Representing spark TV

The winners each got a certificate of recognition, a handsome amount of money and an award.

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According to various sources, these awards are meant to encourage different journalists not to leave out issues concerning water and sanitation, but be more motivated to cover such stories in the community.

Here is a full list of other winners.

Overall Winner: Ronald Mugabe (New Vision)
News Print Human Interest category:Ronald Mugabe (New Vision)
Online Category: Ronald Mugabe (New Vision)
Print Investigative: John Semakula and Ronald Mugabe (New Vision)
Multimedia: Francis Emorut (New Vision)
Radio Category: Javier Silas Omagor (Step FM Mbale)

Congratulations Jamira

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Always excited for no particular reason

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