Singer Geosteady throws Huge Birthday For Daughter
Image: Many children gathered up to celebrate with SorayahIf there is one thing i know about celebrities, it is that they want their children to have the best lives ever. It is also no secret thay ever since the birth of Soraya a few years back, Ugandan singer, Geosteady has been pampering her endlessly. On her third birthday, this year, he did it again and threw her a fun filled birthday party.
If you want to build a deep bond with your daughter, as a dad, then you have to start at her young ages. In a post with her baby pictures, Geosteady wished his princess, Soraya a happy Birthday.

From the photos, we can tell that this party made Sorayah feel like a celebrity. Yhe photos, the branded background and all the attention from the children. The beautiful princess is turning 3 years old.

Geosteady has one songs such as Wakikyenga, and Owooma. He recently introduced Sorayah in the game, as she was to be featured in the video, Tokendeeza.

This is not the first e the singer has thrown a mega bitthday bash for her daughter though. Happy Birthday to Sorayah from Ghafla. And kudos to these amazing celebrity dads.