Omwooyo-Sheebah Karungi. Watch Video Here!
Image: OmwooyoQueen Sheebah Karungi is back with yet another one. A romantic hit that you can sing along, and send a s a dedication to the one you care about. Omwooyo! What is most exciting about this song, is the way the beats are a mixture of traditional and pop. You can definitely pull off Kiganda stroke on this one.
As we all know, Sheebah does not disappoint when it comes to videos. This particular one is for the women who love Telemundo soaps. Omwooyo gives you one, with a black Salvador, chopping wood and taking it to the store. This prompts the queen to live the gentlemen she came with, and ran to what she saw as her future.
The video ends with some intimate scenes, in the storage room. A quick reminder of the love days. Watch and enjoy!