MP, Betty Nambooze Released on Police Bond
Following the death and assassination of Arua Municipality Member of Parliament, Ibrahim Abiriga, numerous investigations have taken place. Mukono Municipality Member of Parliament, Honorable Betty Nambooze, was the first to be taken in as a suspect. She has however been re;eased on police bond.
Under the offence of offensive communication, the MP, together with four other people were taken in. Thiswas because of social media posts before and after the death of Arua municipality MP Ibrahim Abiriga and his brother Saidi Butele Kongo. The other files that were opened, was against Raymond Soufa aka Peng Peng, Nasser Mugerwa and Jane Kuli. Mugerwa was because of an audio that was circulated, in which he takes responsibility for killing Abirirga. Jane Kuli was brought in because of a face book post that apparently predicted the death.
Betty Nambooze was taken from her home, to Jinja Police Station after being detained at Naggalama Police Station.