Minumum Wage Law 2015 passed. Set At 130,000 Uganda Shillings
We may have to say goodbye to the days of paying maids, guards or workers a salary less than 130,000 Uganda shillings. The parliament has approved the 2015 law, and the sum has already been set.
The previous minimum had been set at 6,000 uganda shillings many years ago, and that explains the different ways people have been paying their workers. According to different reports, a person who does not obey this law faces heavy penalties.
Employers will face a a term of three years in prison or pay a penalty of 10 million Uganda shillings, if they are reported for the underpay. In addition to this, a person may also face 12 months or pay a fine of 480,000 Uganda Shillings, or pay both, if convicted for obstructing an assigned officer from carrying out their duties.
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