Lies men tell Just to get in your pants as soon as possible
If you are a woman you have probably heard a few of these lies and if you fell for them, sorry for you darling but from this list i hope you learn few lessons.
I Love you
This is the crown jewel of them all. Guys will say this smack in the middle of cuddling or any other intimate activity because it just takes down most girls’ walls and the can give in easily. Infact, some guys will drop the “L” bomb in the first few dates.
I miss you
We all have that ex that will send the random “i miss you” hoping to get back into the abandoned territory. Some how, if it comes from an ex that you are not over yet it may pose a serious problem. it gives a feeling of being wanted or needed that it is easy to fall back into the trap.
I have been thinking of marriage and kids
This one plays very much on women’s pyshic especially those who are ripe for marriage in that when a man talks about getting married, they are giving up the cookie. This also gives a false sense of security. Here’s something to learn ladies if he hasnt said he wants it WITH YOU then dont believe them lies.
Just come and visit
This one is as old as “only the tip” guys will ask to visit and when you get there, they will do anything with in their means to get the down and dirty.
Now that you know these few tips, go forth and prosper